Chapter 311 I'll make you safe

Christian did not speak, and acted as if he did not hear anything, "Are you tired from running so many places in one day? It's getting late, I will get Steven to send you to the hotel, and then return to Leeds tomorrow. "

Mallory was obviously angry, upon seeing Steven move, she immediately slammed the table, and laughed coldly, "I heard that you just bought a house and didn't let me stay at home, and instead wants me to go to a hotel?"

Christian frowned, he sneered in his heart, he no longer had any privacy, The Forrest family plus Shawn watching them from the side, and there were really no blind spots.

With a slight smile, he blinked, "If you really want to go, then I'll take you there. It's just a house, and it's empty."

Steven was startled, how was it empty? The Tristan couple were still living there, they even asked yesterday when Isabella didn't go home, they lied that she stayed with him at work for the night.