Chapter 314 Watch out!

Isabella was shocked; she only had one hand holding the wheelchair as she hurried over. Christian had already stood up with Mallory in his arms, while Lexie was lying on the broken glass.

Christian did not even look at her, and walked over. Seeing that Isabella was not surprised, he opened his mouth to say something, but then saw her eyes widened in fear, and screamed, "Be careful of the back!"

Lexie's blood—stained hand grabbed onto a piece of glass and stabbed it into his back.

His body went wrong, but he was still fiercely stabbed his shoulder. The suit was punctured and the glass sunk deeply into the ground.

Isabella's eyes widened, she could no longer make a sound, but Lexie obviously did not want to stop, she immediately pulled out the sword and attacked Mallory head on. From beginning to end, Christian just frowned her brows, when she reacted, she had dodged very quickly, Lexie was not even able to touch Mallory.