Chapter 322 Farewell

Seeing that she could not stand the tease, the man did not continue joking around. He slightly straightened his face and said gently, "Steven has already gone to complete the discharge procedures, we will return later."

Isabella opened her mouth in surprise.

The man had already started packing up her personal belongings. After a while, he carried her onto a wheelchair, and The Lord couple was already waiting downstairs.

"It's not even a week yet. Can we go back?" Diana looked at her worriedly.

Christian said gently, The doctor will go over to check on you every day and the nurse will follow along to take care of you. Don't worry. "

After Diana heard this, her expression relaxed a bit. She lowered her head and instructed Isabella, "You can't mess around anymore when you go back. It was out of the endurance for yourself and the children. "