Chapter 333 The Call Log

The next day, the news about " Former fallen judge stays in nightclubs, released on medical parole for distraction" still overwhelmingly swept through Brighton.

Christian sat in front of the desk quietly, his eyebrows furrowed with a strong sense of exhaustion.

Before the computer screen went dark, the old man in the middle of the news section, surrounded by hot dancers, was particularly eye—catching.

"The photos were taken from a distance, but from a tricky angle. The public opinion has a big reaction now, so I believe that the judicial department will send someone to investigate very soon."

Steven stood in front of the desk, holding a newspaper with similar contents, and could not help but observe Christian's face when he said that.

His eyes were as cold as always, but after hearing that, he only raised his hand slightly, "Send someone to settle the judicial negotiation. You must explain everything clearly. If necessary, review the relevant information again."