Chapter 335 In the hospital

Without waiting for Isabella's reaction, she clenched her fists and coughed twice under her nose, "But I'm not used to smelling the smell in the ward, I'm really sorry."

She revealed an apologetic expression politely, then looked at Luke, "I'll wait for you outside."

After that, she walked out of the ward.

Isabella felt a little awkward, and looked at Luke with a troubled expression, "Senior brother, you should go back first, if I have any problems, I can call for the doctors and nurses to help."

However, Luke was stubborn. He sat on the edge of the Diana 's bed and did not seem to leave, afraid that Isabella would feel bad and console him, "Don't worry, she has such a temper."

Isabella stood there for a while, her face slowly becoming gloomy. She knew that she was not suitable to open such a question, but she was still touching Rachel's face and could not help but ask, "Have you thought about it?"