Chapter 342 He's not a general man

Wendy caught up with him in haste, without showing any signs of stopping, and in the end, stopped Christian in front of his car, with one hand holding the door, preventing him from leaving.

Christian lowered his eyes, which was not friendly, “Wendy, I remember my warning you."

Wendy chuckled, as her bright and clean fingers slowly tightened, “Christian, you're overthinking. I don't have any other thoughts towards you."

These words came out by surprise. Christian's expression froze for a moment, and then suspiciously sized up the woman in front of him. After a while, he smiled, “that's for the best."

With that, he landed his gaze on his finger which was on the edge of the door. His dark nails shone with a strange light under the street light, and his tone eased a little, “sorry, I'm in a hurry."