Chapter 347 You are not match

Getting on the car, she dialed Christian's number before starting up the engine, but no one answered. As she drove towards Leeds, she roughly understood the deep meaning behind Minh's words, and unconsciously stepped on the gas pedal even more fiercely.

Before entering the hospital, she bought fruit baskets and flowers from a nearby shop, then went to the nurses’ station and asked around, sure enough, found the ward where Mallory was.

"The elder's temper hasn't been too good lately, so keep your voice down when you go in." the young nurse pointed in the direction of the ward, and warned Isabella with good intentions.

The air was filled with moisture, it had rained heavily on the way over from Brighton. Isabella's body was unavoidably drenched, the hair on his forehead had been rolled into a ball and stuck to his forehead.

The low ponytail was tucked behind his ear. Along with the dull expression on his face, his entire body seemed extremely cold.