Chapter 365 Sorry for making you wait

During the weekend, before Isabella left, she received a call from Mr. Angus. After hearing his explanation, she laughed heartily, "It's alright, Mr. Angus, you go and take care of your work. Just send a trusted subordinate over to take care of things for me."

Pausing for a moment, she continued after listening to the other side of the question patiently, "Nothing much, I just have some questions regarding the data that I wish to share with you. This matter was originally with the Department of Information, but Mr. Angus, you are my important customer—"

With that, she hung up the phone, and her lips was curving into a faint smile. She turned around and looked towards the kitchen, "Mom, I'm going to the supermarket to buy some food. What do you guys want to eat in the afternoon?"