Chapter 373 Bupropion

It was unavoidable for Isabella to meet Sarah when they were going to the bathroom.

When Sarah came out from the innermost room, her footsteps carried the smell of smoke as she brushed shoulders with Isabella. Although they looked at each other during this period, they had a tacit understanding of each other and kept an appropriate distance from each other, not even greeting each other.

Isabella's eyes turned deep. Just as she was about to walk into the cubicle, she heard a small commotion at the door, and a white medicine bottle rolled over to her feet.

She bent down to pick it up, and walked towards the door only to see Sarah leaning on it, her face was pale white. In front of her squatted a young woman, putting all the cosmetics and keys into a female square bag.

"Miss Green, I'm so sorry." Young Women returned the bag to Miss Sarah with a deep apology.