Chapter 381 Fate

When Christian drove back to Leeds, it was already very late in the night. Just as the car stopped at the street area downstairs, he received a call from Steven.

"What is it?" He muttered to himself and understood that if it was not something important, Steven would not have come to disturb him so late. His expression became cold, and as he got off the car to answer the phone, he walked towards the entrance of the building.

Sure enough, the other side kept quiet for a few seconds, then said, "Christian, Canon said that Yannick's men went to Brighton, they should be investigating what happened in London two days ago. Since they did not directly come to Leeds, I'm worried that they have already suspected Miss Jones."

Christian's footsteps paused, he stood at the entrance of the elevator and glanced at the floor numbers that were jumping, and in the end, replied in an unclear tone, "I understand."