Chapter 384 I won't doubt you

Christian raised his head and also saw Isabella.

The two of them stood facing each other for a long time, separated by a long distance, as though they were statues.

His mind was in a state of panic, but also a state of silence.

Isabella held back the tears in her eyes, and in the next second, they uncontrollably spread out again. At this time, she was so stifled that her nose felt sore.

She thought, if she did not meet Christian for the rest of her life, she would not have been able to avoid Christian's fate. She would not be able to look him in the eye today, and if he came to her at this moment to say anything, she would not have the ability to resist.

But he didn't.

The woman beside him seemed to have noticed something. Her gaze that was initially staring at the glass window slowly moved up, and then followed Christian's gaze to look at Isabella who was standing outside the door.