Chapter 386 I like you

In the supermarket, Christian brought the shopping basket that was filled to the brim to the cashier's desk. The old lady who was paying checked the bill looked up at the man ahead, her expression was cold and indifferent, looking like she was used to it. The most important thing was that this appearance was also rare, it was unknown which family's daughter—in—law was so lucky.

"Sir, these are baby diapers. Are you sure you want them too?" The woman waved the package in her hands. Amid the pile of ladies' sanitary napkins, these nappies were exceptionally eye—catching.

Christian was expressionless, "no, thank you."

"There's also this, this is for pregnant women," the woman raised her lady's panties again.

"No, I don't want it either."

Christian's face did not change, he looked calm, but his palms were already soaked in perspiration.

After he paid the bill, he carried the two heavy bags and walked out of the supermarket with vigorous steps.