Chapter 416 Some people are silly

"Some people are indeed stupid, and only awaken to reality when they are lost, but when things have progressed to this point, it is often difficult to recover from. The lucky ones may be able to save them, but the lucky ones are few in number."

Before Christian left, Jamie had already recovered her calmness, she coldly listened to what he had said, and watched him leave.

The woman stood under the light of the porch s eaves as usual, leaning against the door frame, her arms wrapped around her body, her posture lazy and lovely. "You won't tell Adrian that I'm here, right?"

Christian had just stepped down the stairs when he heard her words. He glanced at her and smiled faintly, "Jamie, you are different from your sister. A person's scheming and shrewdness cannot be concealed from the outside world."

He exposed her, direct and decisive.

Jamie was not a scheming person, even if she pretended to be.