Chapter 423 Cherish each other 

When Isabella woke up, she was already in her room in the hotel.

When she opened her eyes, her vision was dim and she was startled. The last image she saw fainted floated up in her mind and cold sweat broke out all over her back.

"Shawn!" At the same time, her hands were tightly curled under her bed. Just as she was about to prop herself up, a violent pain swept through her lower body, causing her to break out in cold sweat again.

Christian had just brought in a cup of warm water from outside the room. Hearing Isabella's voice, she couldn't help but pause her steps and lean her body against the door, "Shouting the name of another man in my room, are you not afraid that I'll really be jealous?"

When Isabella heard Christian's voice, her tensed nerves immediately relaxed. After reacting to her shock, she subconsciously tightened her grip on her back, and inched her body forward.