Chapter 430 You're good at acting

Back to the the Christian's apartment, Mallory stare at Christian who was reading the newspaper at the sofa, feeling strange: "Didn’t you say the company has a meeting? Why do you come back?”

After Christian heard this, he slowly closed the newspaper and casually replied, "The meeting is over, come back to eat."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, and walked towards the profound entrance. His footsteps obviously paused, as his eyes lightly fell on Isabella's body, and he spoke with a cold voice: "Why are you here?"

Isabella did not look at him, she was holding Annie to tease him, seeing that, the Mallory cut the conversation short and answered first: "I have some matters to deal with, you don't have to bother about them."

When Mallory went to the dining hall with a bag of bottles, the two of them looked each other in the eye and laughed silently. Without saying a word, they understood what was going on.