Chapter 436 He's my son

"This is the paper report I collected and handed over to the Isabella on my behalf."

In Sofia's office, she handed over a sealed set of information to Emily, and then carried the coffee over to the window, her eyes filled with a lazy aura.

Emily held on the information, and was a little speechless: "So fast?"

Hearing this question, Sofia unconsciously turned around, and lightly sipped her coffee, "Is it fast? This case is so simple. "

As she spoke, she gave a faint smile. When she smiled, her eyes and brows were slightly curved, which conflicted with the usual aggressive aura she had when she first entered the company.

"Hurry up and go. I'm still waiting to get off work." she urged, turning back to look out the window.

Had finished arranging the documents in her hand, Isabella raised her watch to look at the time, then stood up and headed to marketing's office.