Chapter 439 An evil beauty 

Sofia was not a kind person that can get along well with others. She had a proud and aloof personality, and her demands towards work were almost strict. Because she usually used his own ability as a standard to measure other people's work standards.

In a competitive and cruel company like the MK, the people who she looked down on the most were the idle people, but she came to Benton Technology Technology. Those idle people rushed to fawn on her one by one, and the result could be imagined.

In the big office in marketing, Sofia stepped on her high heels, causing the floor to creak. Finally, she walked in front of Cristina, and slapped a report that she had modified five times on her table, "This is what you gave me?"

Cristina was so shocked that her whole body was trembling, and she stood up shakily and leaf through two pages of the report. After confirming that she had handed it over last night, she nodded her head and asked, "Sofia, is there any problem?"