Chapter 450 His choice

When he heard the sound of the doorknob turning outside, Mallory was in the living room coaxing Annie to drink her milk.

Because of what happened two days ago, the little guy had finally started to accept a new environment. It seemed like she had received quite a bit of stimulation, crying and making a ruckus. She was unwilling to eat or sleep.

Holding the bottle, she watched as the temperature slowly changed from hot to cold. Mallory had almost used up all of her patience, her fingers gradually tightened as she slammed the bottle onto the floor beside her.

"Annie, I'm your granny!" The old woman's expression was sullen, almost growling in a low voice.

The little guy blinked when it heard the sound, and after a few seconds, it cried even louder. It wriggled its body as it cried and crawled towards the door, "Grandma, grandma …"