Chapter 452 A mad man

to be trifled with

A week after his father's death, his mother finally came to her senses.

When the old woman learned of her husband's death, she became silent. She obediently ate her meal and slept, never giving Isabella the slightest bit of trouble, but she was still unwilling to speak. Her eyes were empty all day, staring straight at the snow—white ceiling of the hospital.

Isabella would visit her every day after work, bringing the two children along as well as the food Mr. Miller cooked personally. Only when she saw the child would she smile.

When Isabella woke up on this day, she saw a busy figure in the kitchen as usual. The man was wearing house clothes and was stirring the hot porridge in the wok, and waves of hot steam were coming out, dispersing throughout the entire space.

After pouring a cup of warm water on the table and steeping the powdered milk that she hadn't had time to feed the children, she smiled faintly and went back into the washroom.