Chapter 454 Daughters' slave

Isabella only took two symbolic bites of rice at Sofia's place. After her clothes were dried, she changed into a set of clothes and went out. She first took a taxi to the company and then drove home from the company.

When he pushed open the door, Christian had just coaxed the child to sleep and coincidentally came out of the room. The two of them glanced at each other from a distance that was not too far away.

"You're back?" Christian took the bottle and passed through the cafeteria to the kitchen to clean up. On the way, he intentionally went around to the profound entrance, and lightly tapped Isabella on the forehead.

Isabella lowered her head, pretended to change her shoes after putting down her bag, and deliberately avoided Christian's line of sight.

After changing her shoes and listening to the sound of running water in the kitchen, she slowly walked over and leaned against the door to watch the man's busy back, "I didn't get to the hospital in time. Did Mom ask anything?"