Chapter 461 You have experience

In a private maternity care center in London, the moment Sarah and Shawn stepped out of the door, they stepped into the babysitter's car one after the other.

Twenty minutes ago, in a room on the second floor, they saw a young and beautiful girl. She was about twenty years old.

However, her slightly bulged belly made her seem a bit strange.

After that, Shawn found the individual file of the lady in the doctor's office.

She is a student in a famous university in London, healthy and fair—minded. Although her parents were only the working class in a small city, the previous three generations of her family were all honest and upright. If she wasn't anxious to raise the cost of the operation, a girl with such positive thoughts wouldn't have agreed to become a surrogate mother.

However, since she had chosen this path, she was also very diligent and did her best. Every day, she would follow the doctor's instructions to exercise and eat properly.