Chapter 484 Do you understand?

Mr. Miller got through the way of the Shaw family in London, which is known to all. In addition, Polygon Group Group was founded by Mr. Miller’s father at that time. It is worth considering this matter from any angle.

The confrontation did not last long. In the end, the male director whom Isabella was waiting for was the first to compromise. He retreated a step with smile and said, "This matter is already questionable, we did not come here to vote directly. Since the Mr. Miller has made his stand here, we will definitely give you this face. Moreover, we will still look forward to your return. As long as we give the Polygon Group to you, we can be at ease, "

He was calm and composed, and his words were flawless. The group of board members who had been in a dilemma all agreed. Soon after, the group of members dispersed.