Chapter 492 Watch your language

Mallory was ecstatic. She invited the star chef to her house to prepare lunch. Although it was said as lunch, when it was prepared, it was already past noon.

Isabella was so hungry that her face turned white, so she quietly got a cucumber in the kitchen and hid in her bedroom to eat. Just as she was enjoying it, the door was suddenly pushed open. She looked up in a panic and saw Christian leaning on the door frame, looking at her with a smile.

Isabella was stuffy for a moment, so she unhappily rolled her eyes at him and stretched her neck towards the door, "Where's your mother?"

"Not in the living room." Christian left the door frame and stepped in, "She should be in Baby Room."

Isabella heaved a sigh of relief and instructed Christian to close the door. Then she took out the cucumber that had been half—eaten and continued to eat.