Chapter 496 Requests

By the time she finished the box of strawberries, Sofia had already explained everything that had happened.

So it turned out that half of the reason why she did not attend Simon's engagement banquet today was that Sofia did not like liveliness. More importantly, Adrian had appointed with her on the phone the night before, saying that he had to discuss something important with her.

She could probably guess what Adrian wanted to talk about, and the reason why she came was that she had a bit of selfishness. On the phone, she readily promised him, "Alright, I also have something to tell you."

They agreed to meet at a riverside park near the eastern center of the city. That was one of the most typical landmarks of Brighton when it approached spring. Because the park was built along the river, when you stood on the square, in front of you there was a river, and behind you, there was a sea of flowers, which was an extremely beautiful scene.