Chapter 504 Sing for you

Compared to his own husband and Christian, and looking at how he looked, Wanda felt unsigned in his heart.

That time, after learning her lesson from Isabella's office, she had bumped into Christian, who was about to enter the door, and thought to herself that other than finding the right man to bring her life to a standstill, she was no worse than Isabella.

This time, she was even more wronged after being scolded by Christian. The twenty—year—old women' s eyes were red and red, "If it wasn't for you, Christian, speaking, she wouldn't even let me enter Ruito. Now she's even finding an excuse to move me to such a remote place, is she afraid that I might pose a threat to her?"

"Threats?" Christian sneered as if he had heard a joke.

Wanda stared at the wetness on his chest, his heart was somewhat unwilling, as he attempted to expose it, "If that's not the case, then why did you plead for me when Elder Sister Isabella was unwilling to accept me?"