Chapter 511 Fit you

Sarah still preferred to sit in the back, looking low—profile yet controlling everything.

She thought she was low—profile, but actually sometimes she wasn't.

Some strange men often stroke up with the conversation with her on such occasions, both because of her charm and her attractive family background.

She had dealt with such occasions many times. Therefore, she had the cold air to refuse strangers even far away from her. It was often the case she could make people flash, speechless and leave with shame.

As a result, when she saw a man striding and carrying two glasses of champagne from the next beverage area, she had already come to a faint conclusion.

Simon walked to her, stood in front of her and then handed over a cup of champagne in his hands, inclining his head slightly in a polite and gentlemanly manner and saying “Simon.”

Sarah remained silent for a moment, then stared at the well—tailored suit and said, "Good manners. You have been abroad?"