Chapter 514 He's a good man

When Sarah insisted on marrying Shawn, Austin had actually opposed it.

Because of this matter, he had quite a big conflict with his daughter. However, the final outcome was similar to what happened in real life. In the end, it was Austin who came to a compromise.

But there were conditions for his compromise. That was why the fact of their marriage had never been known to anyone.

Until now, she went through the bitter experience for the man she had insisted on. When she realized something, her father had never questioned her further or revealed her wounds. He had only tried his best to uphold her dignity and pride, and silently supporting her in whatever she wanted to do.

He wasn't afraid that Sarah would do something wrong and just let her do it, because he firmly trusted his daughter's abilities. He was even more confident that if she failed, he would effortlessly clean up a mess for her.