Chapter 525 The perfect match

In Shawn's memory, he had never seen such a Sarah before.

She wore a cute pink mask that covered most of her face, but her aura was still cold and aloof. So, they could recognize her with a single glance in the crowds.

At this moment, he also replied with a smile, "Hello, Sarah."

Sensing the unusual atmosphere, Mr. Daniel quickly retracted the relaxed and happy expression on his face and returned to being serious. He narrowed his cold eyes and sized up the incoming person.

To recognize Sarah in a single glance in such a situation, it was unlikely to be a normal relationship.

"I didn't expect that Sarah was also a playful person." Following that, the one who spoke was still Shawn. He had a smile on his face the entire time. Seeing the lady in front of him took off her mask, he revealed a cold expression as ever.