Chapter 530 Condition

That day after they separated at the hospital, Miss Bond had sought Adrian out more than once.

The first time, he made an appointment with a high—class restaurant, and the results of his thoughts for the past two days were revealed. In the end, Miss Bond cried on the spot.

She was either crying coquettishly or making a ruckus or silently crying all over her face. Her pitiful, hidden, and unspoken appearance made the man unable to utter any harsh words no matter how many times he tried.

In the end, the matter of the breakup was not officially settled. Before Miss Bond left, he said ambiguously, "Let's calm down first. We can discuss this after we have calmed down."

The last time, Sofia went to the hospital to visit the father of Adrian, and coincidentally met Adrian, who was about to leave. The old man was beaming with joy and reminded Sofia, who had just sat down, "You can go back first.”