Chapter 534 Broken

The two days Ivanka spent at the art exhibition in New York was a rare and wonderful memory in her life. It was also during those two days that she completely abandoned everything in the country from the burden on her heart, and naively thought that this kind of life would continue for a long time.

But sometimes, the turn of events is often caught off guard, like a heavy hammer, easy to your carefully constructed ivory tower can be broken into pieces.

The heavy hammer that welcomed Jamie was on the afternoon of the second day of the exhibition.

Shawn could see how exhausted she was. He found a pretty good western restaurant nearby and decided to go to the last area of the art exhibition after lunch.

During the meal, Shawn's phone rang a few times. Today, his mood seemed to be heavier than it has been for the past few days, his eyebrows were knitted unknowingly, and he was very sensitive to the voice coming from his phone.