25        THE BLOODY MOON (1)

"The sun will turn into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes…"


The Bloody Moon.

Scientifically said, it happens Earth's moon is in a total lunar eclipse. It makes the view of the whiteish moon becomes red or ruddy-brown. It's beautiful and eerie at the same time. But, for spiritual and celestial beings, it was a sacred occasion that only happens once in five hundred years. At this moment, a magical portal to the human realm would form and it will allow the demons to cross from hell into this world. Once it happened, chaos and catastrophe would fall into the Earth.


The Zephyr, in the penthouse…

It's here. It's today. It's now. Ah, no. It would be tomorrow to be precise. It would be his first Bloody Moon and he feels so blessed to be the one who will host this event. Monav closed his eyes and take a deep breath. He has told Eve to collect all the dirt from cursed places on earth to be brought to him this evening. Those were mandatory for the ritual. Today, he would go to a church and get the holy water. It would be done shortly. It's easy peasy.

Water, soil, air, fire, and the last one, would be…


The blood that would unify everything in the meantime. The location of the ritual has been chosen and tomorrow, once the sunset, he would teleport himself to the place. But, for now, he must prepare himself and check everything.


The phone in his room rang loudly. A deep frown was seen on his forehead. As far as he could remember, he doesn't have any appointment today. So, who is it?

Slowly, he picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello, Mr. Monav Mokshit.."

"Yes, this is me…"

"There's someone who would like to meet you right now. She's in the lobby…"

The furrow in his temple goes even deeper in confusion. This is strange.

"Do I know him before?"

"He is a she, Sir. You invited her before. Her name is Ms. Iliya Nara…"

Monav raised his eyebrows in surprise. Ms. Nara? Why would she come today?

"Told her to wait, Reinhart. I'll go downstairs now…"


Iliya was waiting impatiently in the lobby until Monav finally appears from the elevator. As soon as she saw his coming, she becomes so frantically nervous and greeted him shyly. Monav looks so gorgeous at that moment. His slender body perfectly fits with the white shirt that he wears today. His blue navy denim wrapped his long legs. The last, is a pair of brown loafer shoes. They look incredibly expensive but it matches his look. His dark, inky black hair was neatly tied behind his back.

God!! Why this guy is so damn beautiful?

Iliya cursed inwardly and stuttered when she saw Monav is walking towards her. She posed herself and straightened her body. Pretend to be calm while her heart was pounding wildly. Damn you, heartbeat!

"Do you wish to see me?" Monav asked her directly without further ado.

O my dear God, even his voice makes her heart melts down.


Quickly, Iliya opened her sling bag and took something from inside and gave it to Monav with a blushed face. It's a pinky small box.

"This is for you.."

Monav took it and chuckled. "What's this, Ms. Nara?"

"It's a gift. A present from me. Let's say, I bought it personally for you because you have been so kind to me as the first buyer of my works..."

"I see…"


Monav put it inside his pocket and smiled broadly then winked his eyes playfully.

"If you're available, I'd like to invite you for dinner sometimes.."

Iliya nodded her head curtly. "Sure, Mr. Monav. It would be a pleasure for me…"

"It's a deal then. I'll see you around, Ms. Nara. Take care of yourself…"

"Are you going somewhere now, Mr. Monav?"

"Yes, I have an appointment with someone. It's a business matter.."

Iliya smiled once again and resigned herself. But, once she turned around and walked further, the expression of Monav Mokshit changed. Soon, he ordered a cab from the front desk.


St. Menella Church, an hour later…

An old man in black robe slowly stood up after he prayed and read the bible in his hand. The church that day was solemnly quiet and peaceful. The choir has finished its rehearsal for this Sunday and Father James also has cleared out his schedule this afternoon.

"It has been a while, James…"

Shocked, the old man turned around and look at the attractive young man whom is standing in front of him right now.

"Mr. Monav Mokshit…"

He murmured his name in adoration. His eyes teary as if he saw his long-lost lover and found him today. But, on the contrary, the expression on Monav's face remains flat and cold. There's no slight hint that they ever met or shared a treasured moment before.

"This is the time when you should return the favor to me.."

"Have you got it?"

Monav Mokshit walked a step forward and look at him in the eyes. And, his question was answered briefly with a slight nod.

"Yes, Mr. Monav. I have done what you ordered me to do…"

Soon, Father James rushed to a small cabinet behind the altar and pulled out a glass vial. Then, he bowed his head while his hand handed it over to Monav respectfully.

"As per your request, Mr. Monav. The holy water from Mt. Vahalla. The only place where God and human, once said, have met in person before…"

Monav nodded and took it carefully. "Well done, James."

"My decision for saving you from the fire before wasn't a wrong call indeed…"

"I'll always be your faithful servant, Mr. Monav Mokshit…"

Monav sneered and observed the vial thoroughly. Inside, he's able to see silvery strands beamed dimly.


In the evening….

Monav put the vial into a safety box that he hid secretly behind the painting. Then, he opened the box that Iliya gave to him before. Inside, there's a necklace with a moonstone as its pendant. It's beautiful. Then, Monav put it on.

In a minute, Eve appears and showed him a wooden box that she handed it over immediately. Monav also put it inside the safety box.

"Have you got everything ready for the ritual tomorrow?"

Eva asked him while her hand snaked onto Monav's body and embraced him from the back. Monav nodded and replied her.

"Yes, it's done…"


A day before…

"Iliya, I need you to do something for me…"

"And, what is it?" Iliya asked Azalel back in confusion while she received a pinky small box from his hand.

"Please give it to Monav Mokshit. Will you?"

"And, what is this?" Iliya asked him suspiciously and opened the box. Once she saw the necklace, she gasped in awe. Omooo… this necklace is… amazingly beautiful!!

"Let's say…"

Azalel smiled wickedly and continue his words.

"This is a gift from you to him…"
