Chapter 37

  A maid came to serve them some snacks and drinks and Jing Xuelo dismissed her afterwards.

  "So what are the updates , son? How far have you reached with the plan?" She asked, flipping back her greying hair.

  "The plan has been going on perfectly, Qiangu tried to escape but my men have caught him and he is in my captivity once more." Liu Shaojie reported.

  The older woman nodded, delighted. "But there's a problem mother, Chen Qiangu's wife is getting really suspicious of me and I'm sure she's up to something. I seriously have to hand it out to her,she's smart and pretty observant. She might uncover the truth and expose me if we don't carry out our plan quickly. She was following me the other day and if I hadn't noticed and acted fast,misleading her,she would have caught me." Liu Shaojie reported.