Chapter 15 Butterflies, part 2


  I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't scared out of my mind going home at this moment. I spent an unforgettable night with Logan. Nothing to be ashamed of, and I am beyond impressed with how much of a gentleman he proved himself to be. I guess I did underestimate him.

  There's a lot I still have to learn about him. And needless to say, he's becoming a person that roams through my thoughts more frequently than I'd like to admit for myself. I had forgotten completely to check my phone. I took numerous pictures of our date. . . Did I just say that? 

  We did have a date, didn't we? 

  I can't help but smile as I look back and reminisce on all the beautiful details he made. From the food, to how he decorated the place, to the way he behaved himself with me. The food was amazing, the dessert was amazing, the movies were amazing. . . and yes, HE was amazing.