Chapter 26 It’s Essential


  I was almost finished with my breakfast when the door opened. I glanced overseeing Troy and Dylan laughing as they walked in. 

  "Oh good, you guys are finally here." Logan stands giving them a bro-hug each and walked back with them to our table. He kisses my cheek and sits next to me.

  "Hey, guys! Have a seat. We just started eating so make yourself comfy." Mom said as she places plates in front of Troy and Dylan. They both dig in grabbing lots of mom's turkey bacon, waffles, and eggs.

  "So, you guys came to celebrate Logan's birthday breakfast too? That's awesome T! Thank you." I said smiling at them as I grabbed more orange juice for me and Logan.

  "Well duh, baby girl!" Troy says making me roll my eyes and smile. "Well. . .that, and because I'm not passing on the opportunity to go free shoo-." He says getting a kick on the knee from under the table from Dylan. 

  "Shut it!" Dylan utters out through gritted teeth.