The days snuck up on us like a ghost in the night, and they were full of pain, tears, and many MANY obstacles.
I worked overtime to finish all my missed assignments and turned them in before Christmas break came during the nights. But the days were torture for us. We worried if mom would collapse again while dad had to be away in the vineyard, and us attending school.
There were times when I'd run home and find her crouched down in pain, holding her left breast, which was where the lumps of cancer had been detected. I felt so stupid, not knowing what to do. I'd go in panic mode, and cry along with her. It's as if cancer had waited for the news to get out to hit her harder.
Dad hit me with the news that he had turned in my packet for the trip to Barcelona, but I refuse to go. How could I go under these circumstances? He had to be out of his mind! I refuse, and I repeat, I refuse to go on that trip this year.