(The one without fear.)

Chapter five:

"Hulk smash" I said with a wild grin, my voice taking a demonic octave.

I leapt at the monsters, gravity lost it's hold on me for what felt like minutes as I sailed through the air, landing in the thick of the battle.

The dust clouds rose from the impact craters my feet created upon landing. My fist s pounded against the monsters prone forms, like a giant hammer through thin glass sheet, I turned them into flying broken bodies and meat pastes. Their thin swords and claws against me barely even tickled my durable dark green skin.

Warm blood tendrils rushed from the dead carcases into my hands after each kill the runes, I understood the name as it came to me with the power behind them. They were like exp, they provided strength when invested.

"Rawrrrrrgh!" My air rippling roar alone blew them back, I could smell them soil themselves out of fear, I saw the dogheads drop their weapons and scurried to the larger mass of monsters I was headed right at. There were no obstacles, all my enemies fell, I brought death to monsters. I bulldozed through their numbers, I destroyed and decimated their army I turned living beings into mutilated, brutalized lifeless figures. I was an unstoppable force of nature. The battle fed me with more satisfaction. I lived for this. It was addiction, I finally found something I was truly into. I wasn't going to die, I was going to live and come out on top. Nothing would take my life from me this time.

The battlefield momentarily turned silent and then exploded into uproarious cheer's at my rampage and destruction upon the monsters. As the warriors joined in too, some stepping on air others with flaming swords and ice spears. And some with arms the size of tree trunks- saga's.

"Oooouhahhh go mighty green one!"

"The relentless green one!"

"Destroy all! For Asgard!"

"For Odin!"

Over the skies, golden pillars of thunder flashed. A man stood proudly with his short silver hammer raised above.

The warriors cheered and praised.


"God of thunder!"


His red cape fluttered to the wind as he rode along with thunder soaring through the skies with the armored Valkyries.

Crackle Boom!

The lightning pillars swept past the enemies and turned them to charred smoking flesh. The loud roar of thunder reverberated throughout the air and shook the ground.

"The god of thunder as descended!"


"Mighty mjolnir!"


The warriors went wild. I stared silently at his floating figure and I saw him stare back at me.

"Go! Warriors of Valhalla!"

The one wielding the hammer cried out at the warriors. The Valkyries that were by his side charged the forefront of the battlefield, the warriors running behind them charging the area that thunder swept.

A battle sense in me was roused, a laying rage was stewed. God's, heh. Soon enough, soon enough.

I snorted. "Puny god's."

I leapt at the incoming enemies. All in due time. For now, I fight, survive and grow stronger. Each step I took pushed the ground inward leaving indents. I felt like the power coursing through me. I felt rage being born. I was truly becoming the One Below All