(Odin's blessings.)

Chapter nine:


"Thank you Odin!"

"Lord Odin!"

They praised.

"Our legions blessings grant you a better understanding and affinity to rune magic. As well as giving you resistances to other magic's. Of course they go along with you, so improve your ranks to the highest and you will eventually be very immune to all of forms of magic." she explained.

"You must all be tired so rest for today. Tomorrow you begin your training and teachings. I'm sure you have questions. You can head to your lodgings, pick any cabin it will be yours."

She waved and took her leave. I picked a cabin and entered it. Closing the wooden door behind me.

The cabin was simply a decorated room with a straw bed, a double candle stand and a rack. The bathrooms were outside as you can already guess they were damn primitive. Wait, is my dump radioactive? Do I even take a dump anymore? The One Below All's physiology was highly efficient and advanced. He could even exist in the vacuum of space, and underwater.

Next to the bed was a wide wooden box and in it was a leather gladiator armor that had a one arm length metal plating protection and a spiked shoulder pauldron, large size briefs with multiple hanging flaps held together by a leather small round upper chest piece bearing the symbol of Odin. It had an auto equip function as shown by the rune on it.

I set the box aside and heavily flopped on the bed. It may have been due to my thick skin but it was comfortable instead of the irritating. I expected for it to be.

In the calm quiet, I was left with my only thought.

I had died today, then I turned into the One Below All and got drafted into the army. A part of that made me mad.

My rage was from being forcefully dragged into this. I was angry at the god's, and their audacity to do as they pleased with the lives of people. I wasn't deluded or brainwashed like these other warriors. The souls of the dead should be allowed to rest. Not fight wars they never started or had a hand in. I cared not for their flimsy reasons and excuses. I know I got here through the intervention of a god, I suspect Odin had a hand in it. Just like the novel he took souls from earth to perform these acts. As he wouldn't die in the end, all so the foolish king would live through Ragnarok. No matter how they veiled it, or sugar coated it. The god's were just fighting to live past their ordained time. I won't be a pawn anymore, I won't be bound. The only person I was fighting for was me and my family. Because no matter how much I disliked the actions of the god's, I was already involved in this. I knew of the bigger picture behind their selfish desires and interventions.

The man who had motivated me on the ship came back earlier, told me how it was fate for me to be here since normal dead people went to the other realms of paradise and not Valhalla. I could no longer leave for heaven, not when I had already began writing my saga, and bonded to it. I was a full fledged warrior. Fate my ass, I am going to the I needed to so I could have a world to live in. I'm not a noble hero. I don't believe in goodness of people. Because even myself wasn't good. I'm not deluded by the grace of these god's either. These beings were billions of years old, their experiences dwarfed my own. Their masteries ever deceit, falsehoods, persuasive languages and psychological manipulations I couldn't even begin to contend with.

Plot? Hah, does this seem like a story to you? Who gives a hell about plot's, I'm doing what I need to so I can survive, grow stronger and live. Why would I care about pilots? This is the real world, unknown variables crop up at each step of the way. I couldn't and wouldn't depend on my spotty memories of the events.

My eyes closed and I thought of my saga.

My synchronization rate had rise by two percent and I still had a empty slot remaining. I knew I would gain more slots more saga the more I rose and the higher my rank went. While these saga's I had with me would grow as well.

I couldn't help but think back to my family. Would they have found my body by now? I know my mom is a strong woman, she'll have to be. It's just her and my little sister now. She has to be the woman of the house now, we don't have a father that bastard is dead to us and in jail.

I'm sorry for leaving you like this mom, I really am. I promise on my very new life. I will come back and find you and Emily. Please stay strong, I prayed silently. That is the sappiest shit I have ever said. Sigh.

I slowly drifted off to the peaceful embrace of temporary peace and rest.