Chapter 2: A Date With Kiryūin (Slight lemon)

Ichika was there having the time of her life socializing with her boyfriend and making the first ever friend in this school, it could have been anyone but nooo it had to be the most popular one !

Kiryūin clicks her tongue. She puts her phone right back in her pocket then gets up from her seat. She walks towards the table where Ichika and Shiro were sitting at. And from perspective, Ichika was having so much fun talking to her boyfriend. Time to ruin the fun.

Kiryūin grabs Shiro's hand then pulls him out of his seat, "You're not taking Shiro-san anywhere, Fuuka" Ichika menaces Kiryūin as she holds Shiro's other arm, not letting him go, "We'll see about that brat" Kiryūin says while grinning.

The scene of two top-tier girls fighting over the school's most popular boy was a spectacle that everyone looked at with different opinions. Both senior and freshman girls wished they were in the place of Kiryūin or Ichika, while the boys envied Shiro for his gifted talents and luck with women.

Though it was just a fantasy, Shiro was crazy smart and it no matter how much one could pull out when it comes to effort, Shiro Morningstar was way out of the league.

Ichika remarks the attention she and Kiryūin had attracted. This feeling of embarrassment makes her let go of Shiro with a disappointed expression, "Fine, but I will meet Shiro-san once again" Ichika says while smiling innocently.

Kiryūin shrugs her shoulders then leaves with Shiro in her company. The boy turns to see the scarlet-haired beauty sending him a kiss in the air.

The two move around for a bit before reaching yet another place where to continue their little date, "Don't think you're off the hook Shiro, i will find another way" She states.

They enter a maid café that just opened recently. They are welcomed by

"Welcome to the maid café! How can I serve you today?" The teenage girl asks.

"Is your name Ichika by any chance?" Kiryūin asks with a skeptical look, "I-I'm sorry but my name is Maya Sato..." The maid girl named Maya says.

"Good, you've passed the vibe check. Now, give us the best table you have!" Kiryūin says with a big smile. Maya occasionally shifts her gaze and picks a small glance at the person in company of the platinium haired girl.

Her face blushes deeply when she sees the boy everyone's talking about right next to her. The two make eye contact briefly and this causes her to blush in embarrassment. Kiryūin sees this little interaction and this causes to get annoyed.

She takes Shiro by the hand and brings him over to a table while Maya just watches the boy walk away slowly getting further from her.

"Jeez stop being such a chick magnet for a second. Give me a break" Kiryūin says while stretching her arms. "Can't be helped i guess" Shiro says while smiling bitterly.

It was rare for him to smile, and when he did so, his face would become even more beautiful, Kiryūin slight blushes then makes her grin even bigger. She takes his hands then speaks a few words with her face close to his, "Then, i will monopolize the magnet and make it useless on others~" She says.

"What does that even mean?" Shiro asks, "You tell me first" She replies.

"Ahem" Another maid shows up in front of their table and makes a fake cough to take their attention, "Is your name Ichika?" Kiryūin asks.

"Shut up, Fuuka-chan. I will take your order if you have already decided" Says the woman.

"Chabashira-san? What are you doing in a maid outfit?" Shiro asks after recognizing this mature woman which he never expected to be seeing in such an costume.

Chabashira Sae is a mature woman working as homeroom teacher for the D-class. She had brown hair that is tied in a ponytail with bangs swept to the left, brown eyes, a well-endowed voluptuous body. She is mostly seen with a serious expression on her face and this abrupt change surprised Shiro.

"Pl-Please don't mention it, Shiro-kun..." Chabashira says in embarrassment of what she's wearing. Kiryūin laughs out loud and slams her hand on the table, "HAHAHAHA! Wh-who would have thought the teacher of class D would end up in such a place! Hahaha~" Kiryūin laughs.

"Apart from it being a student's request, i do not see what's to be ashamed of. Maid cafés has been a famous tendency in Japan for hundreds of years now" Chabashira-sensai regains her composure and cold expression, she shrugs Kiryūin's insults and just moves on.

"I'll take anything, really" Shiro says nonchalantly, "Gimme a coffee with your tail in between your legs, Chabashira-sensai~" Kiryūin says.

Sae feels a bit of anger growing but she just sighs and proceeds with the commands without replying to Fuuka. The girl remarks that Akira is still staring at the cosplaying teacher. An idea flashes in her mind and she speaks her mind immediately, "Do you have a maid fetish perhaps? Cuz I can satisfy you with it~" She says.

"Not particularly. I just think they're pretty, innovative for a café" Shiro responds. Kiryūin gets up from her seat then rushes towards the café manager, she speaks a few words to him then he guides her to a certain room. Kiryūin leaves the chamber a few minutes later, but now she was wearing one of the maid uniforms the employees wore.

"What do you think~?" Kiryūin shows Shiro her dress from all angles, while also lifting the skirt a bit too much and showing him the garter belt attached to the black stockings she had on her legs, "How does it look~" She questions him.

"It does indeed look very beautiful on you~" Shiro says. This remark makes Kiryūin smile even more, 'Now's my chance~' She thinks.

Kiryūin lifts her skirt a bit more, to the point where Shiro could see a part of her buttocks hidden behind red black panties that matched the color of her uniform. "Hahaha~ How am i serve you Shiro haha~" She asks him with a teasing voice.

Shiro doesn't feel embarrassed or anything by her gesture. "Actually, how may I serve YOU instead?" Shiro just shrugs her teasing, he waves his hand and gives Kiryūin a gentle spank on her butt which makes her jump in surprise, a sub-conscious moan escapes her mouth, "Kyamn~!"

"Haha, guess it's you who's enjoying this Kiryūin" Shiro tells her. Thus causes Fuuka to get flustrated for a second, she maintains her character and suppress the blush from her cheeks, "It's not easy to get inspired. I'll get you next time trust me" She tells him.


After finishing their business in the maid café, Kiryūin takes Shiro into the next destination of their date. They were going to watch a movie in the theater, the show was a movie adaptation of the romcom novel Kiryūin was reading these days, it's called 'Spider Season'.

The two are sitting side by side amongst a small crowd watching a romcom that was destined for a mature audience. Don't ask me why such an undecent movie is being broadcasted in a school's theater, who knows. Maybe Kiryūin has some involvement in it ?

"I don't see why the hype about this movie" Shiro says.

Kiryūin grins in impatience then gives him a punch of confidence on the shoulder, "Just wait! I'll have my sweat sweat revenge" She says.

Shiro can see where this is headed. And just like he thought, an undecent scene starts unfolding on the big screen. Everyone gets easily aroused by this. Spider Season was mostly known for the sex material that's pretty much uncensored even post scholar filtration.

"Is this what all the hype is about, Kiryūin?" Shiro asks the girl next to him that enjoys what she's seeing, "Quite arousing, isn't it~?" She asks him.

"Do you enjoy this kind of stuff~?" He asked her. "Only with you~" She teases him. "Oh really?" He questions her.

But as a few seconds pass, Kiryūin feels a jolt of electricity rush throughout her entire body, starting from her sacred place that was getting itchy for some unknown reasons.

With an embarrassed expression and fear of it being what she was thinking, her head lowers frenetically to see Shiro caressing her cave using his fingers. She looks at Shiro and sees him grinning evily, he smiles and uses even more force to stimulate her vaginal lips.

She did not even feel his hands approaching him, Kiryūin did her best not to moan publicly among the seven or ten people present in here. "What's up? I thought this was arousing for you Kiryūin~"

Fuuka shifts her gaze around but it locks on the big screen that showcases a completely uncensored sex scene between the main character and her favorite female lead.

Watching this scene while feeling her boyfriend pleasuring her in such a sexy way publicly made her approach her climax dangerously. She did not want to wet the seat with her fluids, she made an inhuman effort in retaining her increasing sexual impulses.

"I—.. I won't... Let you win~" Kiryūin grabs her shaky hand and strokes Shiro's erect member that was clearly pointing from his black jeans. She catches his member with her left hand and starts stroking it.

This causes the boy to flinch a bit, surprised the girl had enough will power to maintain her resolve and pride of not succombing to the sinful act of climaxing before him ―He, who started it―.

"So you don't care if someone sees us~" Shiro says. He then lifts her skirt with his second hand and then uses the first to pleasure her even more, he starts inserting his fingers deep inside and touching the vaginal walls from all angles.

"I-It was me who started it first, wasn't it~?" Kiryūin also accelerates the rythme. As this point in life, they had already developed enough affection towards each other to go physical. It's been a while they started acting like a real couple but they were too prideful to actually admit it, though it's not a secret to anyone at this point.

Kiryūin is feeling herself hardening and her body getting tighter, she tries going all out but her hands start going numb, in preparation of the fastly approaching orgasm.

Her hand slowly gets off Shiro's member, she uses both hands to grip into the arms of the cinema seat. It's not the end of the world just because he won this time no? Let's let him continue this act of his and enjoy this moment fully. Let it engrave into your mind to remember the boy that changed your vision of the world, "You only reap what you sow girl~" He tells her.

She lets Shiro continue fingering her. Her grin transforms into a wide teeth-closed smile that showed the perverted pleasure on her face. She lifts herself by supporting her weight using her legs that began shaking uncontrollably, "I-I'm so close—!" She moans.

But suddenly, all the pleasure she was feeling disappeared exponentially when Shiro stopped right before she came. Panting heavily, and sexually frustrated, she looks in the right direction to see that the cinema manager and his assistants had entered the room after receiving complaints about an inappropriate show.

"We are very sorry for the inconveniences. We promise you this won't happen again" He apologizes to us first seeing we're in the last lane, the closest to the door.

"It-It's okay~..." Kiryūin says while panting and recovering from the intense stimulation and the sudden drop of adrenaline.


In the end of the day, Kiryūin and Shiro were united in the center of the campus, near the fountain of the school where they shared their last moments for the day, "It was fun while it lasted i guess, but don't think you're done with me" She says, this was her way to say 'it was a pleasure, let's go out soon again, love you'.

"Yeah sure Kiryūin, let's meet up again" Shiro replies. She nods then leaves. Shiro just waits in his place, watching as she disappears into one of the school buildings.

Alright, this was Shiro's last day in this world. Let's see how things escalated now.

(A/N: Btw, DxD starts after the next chapter, just wanted to build the main world a bit. Take care)