Chapter 5: Welcome to My Hell!

The Gate Absorbs Shiro Whole.

The devil finds himself transprtated from his original world to another far far anime universe where magic rules the world and different factions try to conquer its riches for themselves.

This was the world of Highschool DxD, way before canon even started.

Through the dimensions and the dimensional gate, Shiri's Cross Over was completed successfully and the demon now found himself in a quite deserted place.

Reaching the ground, Shiro wipes the dust from his attire then analyzs the surroundings.

"That crimson sky, and this deserted wasteland and hellish senary. It must be none other than Hell, or the Underworld, home to all demons and devils."

Indeed, this was DxD's Underworld where resides the 72 pillars which are the most noble and distinguished nobilities of this underworld. 72 families and bloodlines with four great Satans leading in supremacy as well as a strict hierarchy to classify power and wealth.

But it was clear for Shiro that just standing there won't do any progress. From his two shoulder blades arises two gigantic five meter long crimson and devilish demon wings. And with single swing of his wings, Shiro flies high in the sky leaving an immense impact on the ground he was standing on, *FWOUCH*.

Shiro flew for about fifteen minutes now, still not finding any sign of life. It reached an extent where the latter started doubting this place. Shiro increases his speed beyond the sound barrier and starts exploring this hell of a mess quicker.

Then suddenly, Shiro feels like he has collided with something. He stops the travelling then glances down to see his upper shirt covered in blood that wasn't his, he turned around and saw that he went past three dark silouhettes.

"Finally, I found life forms in this shirty Underworld." Shiro immediately teleports in front of the creature, taking it by surprise.

"You!! Who the fuck are you?!" The dark figure says. Shiro immediately understood that this was a devil of DxD's devil faction, he felt a slight relief since it confirmed that the magic he cast didn't fail.

"Me? I'm a demon. We're not very different physique-wise." Shiro says with a poker face.

"Huh? The fuck do you mean similar?! You just killed one of us!!" The devil points to the ground at a mutilated corpse squeezed on the earth. It was the devil Shiro comically destroyed with his overwhelming with an A-Train style.

"And for that, you shall die!!!" The demon saw that Shiro only possessed a single pair of wings meaning he was a low ranked devil, albeit his wings being majestic and unique the dumbass devil didn't think twice before pouting his spear at Shiro's neck. This threatening movement took Shiro by surprise and he instinctively attacked before the monster could have even a chance at swinging his weapon.

Pissed, Shiro teleports in front of the dumb devil and catches his head, more precisely pinch his forehead, he then proceeds to tear off the devil's face skin and flesh, ripping it apart from the head and leaving nothing but muscle tissues, a visible skull, teeth and empty eye orbits on his face his face.

The devil dies instantly and falls on the ground like a fly while the other one just stares at this scene with horror clear on his expression, Shiro comically throws the face of the latter's comrade on him before punching him on the face with his clenched fist so powerfully his head exploded.

There was only one remaining, he could swear this filthy one was soiling his pants. Shiro teleports in front of him then glances at him from above with crimson eyes, "pl-please... spare m-me..." The devil begged for his life.

Shiro slowly opens his mouth to talk, his mouth shows a dark void then a chilling cold wind sways on the devil's face, "Tell me. Who is your Lord." Shiro asks. The devil's legs almost collapse, "M-My current master is... L-Lady Runeas G-Gremory..."

"Have you ever heard of the Morningstar Bloodline." He asks once again.

"I-I'm truly sorry for being ignorant but I never heard of this before..." He responds.

'Hm. Truly unfortunate. If all devil's are the same as these dipshits then I wouldn't mind wiping them all and creating a new devil faction.' Shiro thinks. Then in the next second, he shoves a cursed dagger he just created inside the devil's stomach, the god-killing curse immediately kills the devil, making him fall on the ground with his late friends.

Looking at his steamy and bloody hands, Shiro descends to the ground right above the three corpses. He cuts a part of his finger which makes his blood drip on the mounts of mutilated and decapitated flesh.

A magic circle appears below the corpses and with Shiro's blood as catalyst for the experiment, the circle illuminates and the three corpses disolve in order to create a new living organism. It only took a second before a figure emerges from the smoke created by the ritual.

Shiro used the body parts and his blood to create what seemed to be another demon, except that this demon or rather demoness was a completely loyal subject to its master, it inherited the skills, powers and knowledge of the sacrificed bodies plus the blessing of Shiro and a few drops of his blood which basically made the demon undoubtedly the second strongest character in this anime universe.

As soon as it was born, the demon girl saw Shiro and felt that strong connection between them, she instinctively bowed down to him and pledged eternal loyalty, "My Lord and Master. For this priceless gift of life, this Akane shall serve you with its soul and body for all eternity. I hereby, on this unholy day, seal my life and eternal loyalty to you and only you Master." Akane says.

After hearing her entire speach, Shiro shakes his head then he creates a small opening to his pocket dimension. He reaches out his hands in the portal then throws Akane a weapon, it was crimson red and black double reaper scythe with precious ornaments encraved to the handle while the double blade had immense sharp that could cut a planet like a hot knife on butter.

*Fwouch* *Swing* It didn't take Akane more than a few swings to familiarize herself with her newly gained weapon. Akane proceeds to bow once again before her master and renew her pact with him. She was getting more and more indebted to him by the second, who knows what ridiculous proporions she could reach.

"Then, Akane. My first order for you is to scan as much of this land as possible and give me a quick report, I only need to know the leading territories and population count." Shiro orders his new servant.

"Yes. Master." Akane replies, quickly starting the analysis. Thanks to her perfected android mind she was able to scan the entirety of the Underworld in less than a second with all the interesting power houses' coordinates.

"The closest territory to us is the Bael Territory, led and ruled by Zekram Bael, a higher-demon as well as a major figure in the 72 pillars. His clan, the Bael Lineage is renowed for its prestige as a powerful bloodline possessing a power of destruction feared by almost everyone due to its potency. Their territory is the most developed with more than two million devils living there. The distance to get there is approximately 36 miles north-east direction."

"Next, we have the Gremory and Sitri territories. They're not so far away from each other, approximately 14 miles. For the Gremory it's currently led by Runeas Gremory. The territory is rich, exotic and well developed, having went through an industrial revolution just a while ago. The Sitri Clan is being led by Sir Sitri, is similar to the Gremory's, for the only exception that the land is more spacious and voluminous but considerably less rich. What follows is obsolete." Akane concluded.

Shiro learnt a lot from Akane's report. Thanks to her, he got free'd from a lot of thinking. "Thanks, Akane. Who do you think we should visit first?" He asks, curious about her way of thinking.

Akane doesn't hesitate a second before speaking, "Definitely the Bael Clan. Their power has led them to build a massive ego thinking they're the strongest. For that, I think Master should pay them a little visit.

There is only one scenario suspected to happen, Master." Akane adds.

Shiro smirks. "No need to add more, Akane. I know what you're about to say. Even if I'm capable of handling things myself, I count on your assistance. That's what I created you for, after all." He says.

Akane bows deeply, "I promise to not disappoint Master. For that's what I live for." Akane says solemnly.

Then, Shiro flies high in the sky once again, with Bael as his next direction. Who knows what great turmoil will rise now that the Balance is severely broken.