Tower's peak

It had been about twenty seconds since Dante had emerged from inside the building and all of that time was spent looking at something that could only be seen in fantasy stories. Though it was not as if he had not already seen something much more unbelievable. Three creatures had busted through his room door in search of him. Dante had always liked the idea of being an important person but this was just plain ridiculous.

"What happened?", Dante asked Serena as he finally snapped out of his marveled state.

"The answer you are looking for is a really long one and we don't really have time for that. First you get out of the streets alive then we can talk", the lady spoke in response to his question.

"At least, you can answer this question. Who are you?", Dante asked clearly committed to getting at least an answer to one of his questions.

"My name is Serena, that is all you need to know for now", she answered after what felt like a minute. "Now we have to get you to safety."

"Okay, what do I do now."

"If you look north of your direction, you will see a huge crystal like building reaching for the sky. That is your destination, your safe place", Serena said with a strange tone in her voice, one that Dante had no idea of what it meant.

He began to observe his environment before finally looking at the direction north of him. Dante had not spent to much time before finding the structure in which Serena spoke of. The structure brought some more astonishment to his face as it was unlike anything he had ever since before. The structure seemed to break into pieces before rearranging itself into a steady and strong structure over and over again. Such a building was definitely out of this world as each time it disintegrated and it would come back together turning into a totally different shape each time.

After observing the structure, Dante could not help but gulp unconsciously. He had just realized something that made his task of survival almost impossible. What exactly did he realize? Well that was simple. He had realized that the distance from his current point to the structure she had mentioned was definitely either close to or was actually two miles.

"You have got to be kidding me. That is like two miles from here!", Dante spoke with a slightly panicked voice.

"I know it may seem impossible, but it is the best thing you can do to survive right now", Serena said trying to give him some encouragement.

Upon hearing her words, Dante could not help but calm down a bit. The good thing about him was the fact that he was an intelligent person. Sure he freaked out like any other person would, however he always quickly recovered afterwards which was not something most people would be able to do. The ability to adapt would be something that would be a great asset to any human being during such a time. The power of adaptability was something that made creatures like cockroaches so hard to get rid of anyways. It was best to adopt this power and use it to his advantage.

"Okay let's do this!", Dante said as he finally began to walk in the direction of the structure which was changing it's form once again.

"Keep the phone by your ears at all times, I will use it to alert you of any incoming Fractures in the environment. However the most I can do for you is to keep you from being discovered, the rest is up to you", Serena said increasing the stakes for Dante in his mind.

Dante started his long walk to the structure two miles away. It was mainly boring but when Serena informed him of any Fracture nearby his mood would instantly change. In order to avoid detection from any of them, most of the time he would hide under a car or use one of them as cover. When Dante had woken up from his strange dream, he realized that the super ripped body he had in his fantasy world was not what he had in the real world. He was awfully slim and looked as if he had not eaten ages. The hunger was there to back it up but it was not so severe that he could not handle it. He was kinda okay with this though as he was able to get under cars a whole lot easier.

It was about 35 minutes before Dante had gotten to the location of the strange structure. He would have gotten there earlier but the creatures didn't make it so easy. Now that he had a better look at the structure, he quickly realized that it was actually some kind of tower. Taking his eyes away from the tower, he noticed that there were no vehicles from that point on. This was bad news since he would be left wide open.

"There are no more cars around, what do I do?", Dante asked Serena in desperation.

"I am sorry to say this but you will have to run to the tower in front of you."

"Are there any Fractures close by?", Dante asked so that he could see his chances of survival.

"Yes, but I can only see one of them in your area", Serena answered rather calmly.

This was one of those situations that a person would have appreciated it if you lied. Sure it was stupid to lie in such a situation, however the truth only made him feel like to shed tears. The worst case scenario was that he would have to out run the creature. This was something he believed he could handle. In such a state the adrenaline that would rush through his body would give him enhanced speed, hopefully.

Without giving it a second thought, Dante began to sprint to the tower like a mad man attracting a Fracture about half a kilometer away from him. On noticing Dante, the crystals on the creatures head turned into a glowing red color before it began to give chase. As it ran on all fours towards him, the creature's physique changed drastically causing Dante to immediately regret his earlier decision.