Tower's covering

"How are we going to do that exactly?", Dante couldn't help but ask.

"You are looking at it", Serena said looking at the tower which was currently reshaping itself.

The creature from a distance began to sprint towards them on all fours at way greater speed than the Fractures from before could. At this rate it seemed like it would reach them within ten seconds.

"Come on let's go", Serena said running in the tower that was reshaping itself.

Not wanting to be left behind, Dante sprinted into the tower as well, still looking at the creature that was currently approaching. On entering the structure, Serena and Dante stood still observing the creature after getting to a considerable distance in the tower. Dante was not so cool with this as he believed they were about to die, however for some reason Serena seemed to care less about the current situation.

The creature on reaching the tower stopped immediately before it could enter the building. For some weird reason it refused to enter into it and chose to just glare at them.

"Why isn't it getting in?", Dante asked as he was confused.

"That's because if any of our friends enter this thing they will instantly disintegrate", Serena said still glaring at the creature. It seemed as if they were each other's worst enemies as the creature seemed to be glaring precisely at her.

"Why is that exactly?"

"I don't know but that is the fact. For some weird reason it doesn't affect us and I am happy about that", Serena said before turning around and walking deeper into the structure.

Dante turned once more staring at the creature which was now looking at him before turning around and following Serena. The tower finally came to a close turning the whole place pitch black. After about five seconds the place lit up due to a blue glow erupting from crystals all around. To Dante's greatest surprise the once reshaping tower had ceased to break apart and reshape once again.

"Why isn't it breaking apart anymore?", Dante asked out of curiosity.

"You know something, you ask a lot of questions for a guy that almost died", Serena said in a slightly pissed off voice.

"I am just trying to understand what is going on. Besides if I don't know as much as possible about this world then I am most likely going to die, right?"

On hearing this, Serena paused in place before turning around to face him. Her blue colored eyes were now looking deep into his making him feel kinda nervous.

"Okay then ask away", Serena said giving him permission to ask as much questions as he wanted. "It isn't breaking apart anymore because we're not in the tower anymore."

"What the hell do you mean? Do you mean it transported us to a totally different location?"

"It's exactly as you said. It is one of the mysteries of this planet that I have no idea about", Serena said smirking slightly.

"What exactly was that strange Fracture that was coming after us? It seemed a lot more powerful than the rest", Dante asked as he was unable to get the image of that creature out of his head. If he had been attacked by that specific monster earlier he most likely would have died.

"That is going to take some time to explain. Okay, that was an evolved Fracture. That occurs when the creature absorbs enough energy from the environment to change it's form. The atmosphere at the moment has something called 'Nano Lites' which make it possible to do impossible stuff. It was because of them I was able to dodge those incredibly fast creatures. It usually looks as if time slows down for a minute allowing me to evade their attacks, it is also because of this I was able to slow them down a bit with my guns."

On hearing her explanation, Dante could not help but feel as if he had unconsciously tapped into the Nano Lites causing the time slowing event he had witnessed when fighting against the Fracture he first killed. At first he thought this was because he was about to learn a new ability but now he felt otherwise.

"What are Nano Lites?", Dante asked in an attempt to learn more about this so called Nano Lites.

"Nano Lites is what is responsible for the blue colored environment we have right now. It is emitted by those floating crystals you see in the sky. You can find them in the earth, in water and even the air you breath."

"What happened to everyone? What happened to Earth?", Dante finally asked the most pressing question in his mind.

"Oh that? It is another mystery I don't have an answer to."

After hearing this Dante kept quiet as he wondered what could have possibly happened. Serena took his silence as an opportunity to ask him questions of her own.

"You called me about 10 minutes ago in the street before I came to your rescue running from a Fracture. How did you survive?"

"I don't know, I was just lucky I guess. Aren't you supposed to be happy I survived", Dante said slightly moving his eyes so as to avoid eye contact. This made Serena aware that he was hiding something, however she did not dig any deeper.

"Where did you get that sword from?", Serena asked on noticing it in his hands.

"Uuhh, I found it when I was roaming the streets. I believed it could help me protect myself."

Serena looked at him for what felt like a minute before chuckling. It seemed as if she knew something he didn't.

"In this world, weapons are unable to kill Fractures. Trust me I have tried but it is impossible. Highest thing that blade will do is push it back, if you are strong enough that is", Serena said before walking once again.

It would seem as if she had not witnessed him killing a Fracture with the blade when she was shooting all over the place. If what Serena said was really true then it would be best to hide this. Dante knew that revealing to her that he had something in his possession capable of killing Fractures would only cause issues. He believed it would be a bad idea to tell her about his ability as well. Not wanting to think about it too much he began to follow Serena as she moved forward.