A Fracture massacre

From a distance a trail of ice pillars could be seen engulfing a certain street in New York City. Dante could feel the chill air while looking at the water vapours that escaped from these ice pillars in the form of steam. At the moment multiple Fractures had been trapped in these pillars making it impossible for them to move. Usually if this was ordinary ice the creatures may have had a chance of breaking free, however that was not the case. He had created them with traces of Nano Lites within them increasing their toughness and durability. That way he could hold the creatures in place while preserving his Nano Lites as best he could.

Dante walked up to these Fractures one by one slicing their head off in the process. On each of the creature's death the sword wasted no time devouring them. On getting to the last Fracture, he slashed at it's crystals slicing off two crystals shards. He quickly moved his Anti-Fracture sword to the side to avoid it from devouring them as well. Dante grabbed the crystals while they were still in the air before tossing them in his Void vault. Afterwards he cut the Fracture's head off ending it's futile struggle.

[Anti-Fracture sword is feeding]

[Attack power is doubled]

[10/50 points acquired for evolution]

On seeing this he smiled a bit before putting his blade in the Void vault as well. After doing this the vault disappeared leaving him to himself. Looking around he noticed that there were no more Fractures in the environment.

"Everything is going according to plan so far, what about you?", Dante asked.

While they were preparing to come to the city from the Garden, he had made devices for communication in the form of earpods. This way him and Serena would be able to keep in touch with one another in order to check each other's progress.

"I am moving to the checkpoint as planned just move on with the second part of the plan", Serena answered.

She had currently attracted more than thirty of these creatures, however there was no sign of the High Fracture roaming among them. Serena smiled as she noticed that the Fractures now remained in a domant number. She had been running around for about fifteen minutes now, so the fact that the creatures no longer increased in number meant that she had attracted all of the Fractures in the environment to her. Now she could finally finish her own part of the plan.

Serena shot one of the charged bullets at the Fractures releasing a powerful wave of Nano Lites which stunned them in place. Using this opportunity she jumped high using the tall buildings to go over them. After a few seconds the Fractures were released from the effects of the bullet leaving them to chase after their prey.

"I am on my way right now", Serena spoke to Dante.

Dante on hearing this immediately used his hands to make contact with the ground. Concentrating, he began to form more pillars of ice which merged together until it formed what looked like a huge dome. From a distance, Serena instantly recognized this dome and began to head towards it's direction. Dante who was currently waiting for her could not help but be amazed at how strong he had become since he regained his memory. He had not had the time to check on his status since then but he was sure that it had improved greatly.

Within five minutes, Serena had made her way to the dome dragging along the Fractures which were in pursuit of her. On identifying the entrance to this dome, she ran into it quickly meeting up with Dante who was waiting for her deep within it. Serena shivered upon feeling the cold air within the dome, however all she could think about was finishing this mission before she turned into an ice cube.

"They are coming!", Serena said alerting him.

The Fractures entered the dome heading straight for both of them at high speed. Their speed was enhanced more as their blue crystals turned red. Dante's felt adrenaline rushing through his body, however he did not panic. He waited patiently until he was sure that they had all entered before moving the ice pillars within the ice dome to trap each and every one of them.

After doing this, Dante stood up straight and opened the Void vault removing one of the Fracture crystals within it. Without wasting any time he clapped his hands with the Fracture's crystal unleashing sparks of red energy into the air. The air around him seemed to be drawn into his palms as the bluish air moved towards that direction.

Within a few seconds a new item was formed in his hands and he quickly equipped it to handle all of the Fractures in the environment. Dante jumped at high speed using the ice pillars to his advantage. Slashing at each Fracture he came across, the sword devoured them becoming stronger and sharper. At first it felt as if he was cutting through a watermelon until it eventually felt as if he was cutting through a piece of thread.

Serena could not help but open her mouth in awe. She was quite aware of what he was capable of, however she had never seen it happen first hand. Within a few seconds, Dante had slain all of the Fractures that were trapped in the ice. Earlier Dante had made and equipped a Quick ring increasing his original speed. Even though he was not as fast as the Fractures, he was now as fast as Serena who could keep up with them.

[Anti-Fracture sword is feeding]

[Attack power is doubled]

[44/50 points acquired for evolution]

Upon seeing this, Dante could not help but smile bitterly. He had hoped that clearing this much would help his sword enter it's evolution stage but it seemed like fate had other plans. Though the powered up sword would have to do in his fight against the High Fracture.

"Hmm that wasn't so hard, was it?", Dante asked as he turned around to face Serena.

Serena closed her mouth before smiling at him.

"Yeah, this part of the plan was not so hard."