The two bonds

Ahana sat by the river and waited. "Early in the morning. Don't have time for this." She said to herself.

The others will help Jackson and his crew. For now I'll be here. But…I wonder how it's going for you, Joey boy. Ahana thought as she stared at the sun.

"Your not ready for the plot twist that awaits…I'll tell you that Joey." She laughed.

"Four fallen Angels? But…this has nothing to do with Kebushie. I still don't understand his plan either. But one thing is sure….people will die on both sides. I'll have to hurry this up and continue-"

"Who are you talking to?" Amber asked as she scoffed towards Ahana.

"I can't talk to myself mom?" Ahana said with sarcasm in her voice.

"Ahana….now that you forced me to come with you to this river, I have an important question."

Ahana stared at Amber with unease. "What is it?"

"You know it's against the rules to kill another slayer, right?"


"The day when the twins went to go find Joey…you where with him, right? Or were you-"

"I would never harm another slayer. I believe a jinn killed them on the way. I've told you that. What, you think I would kill my own comrades?" Ahana asked.

Amber and Ahana locked eyes. "No…never."

"I can see what your thinking and how your feeling. Right now, fear is flowing all through your body." Ahana grabbed Amber by her hair and pulled her in. "Just stay in line, Amber…and I won't kill you."


Joey, Duce, Astor, Pepper, and Zuri all teleported in front of a giant cave. "Your brother chose this place?!" Astor yelled out.

"Shut up. He said the jinn is here, so I'll believe him." Zuri replied.

"We can't even see in there. It'll smart to-"

"I'll summon a jinn snake. It can see in the dark." Duce explained.

Joey stared in amazement as Duce slammed his hands on the ground and pulled out a snake with odd symbols. "Bas the snake…move".

The snake quickly slithered deep in the cave. Duce closed his eyes. He was finally able to see the inside.

"What do you see?" Jinx asked.

"Nothing right now. Just rocks and a path. Give me a minute".

Duce wast he's closely as a few giant eggs appeared. "The hell is that?" Duce said.

"What do you see!?" Astor asked while shaking Duce.

"Looks like…eggs? Definitely not normal eggs. They all have strong jinn-energy surrounding them! Astor…you said we were here to kill a high-level jinn…right?"

"I never-yes".

"I believe…the jinn your looking for…is in this cave.

Astor grabbed Duce and picked him off of the ground. "Time to do what we do best!" Astor yelled as his left hand caught on fire.

Astor threw the ball of flames in the cave, creating a bright light that lit it up.

Without hesitation, Zuri dashed in the cave. Leaving a trail of purple jinn-energy.

Shit! I'm still supposed to have Joey killed! Zuri knows this, so why is she-wait. Does she know something I don't? Astor thought to himself as he quickly followed.

"We're off!" Jinx screamed as she grabbed Duce and sprinted through the tunnel.

Joey was about to follow but Pepper grabbed Joey and pulled him to the side. "What are you doing, Pepper? I have to go help-"

"That man wants you killed!" Pepper warned.

"Who? Astor? No way. He's the one who promised to protect me-"

"Joey I can read minds. Astor is not who you think he is. He wants you dead!" Pepper argued.

Joey held Pepper in his hand and walked in the cave. "Just calm down, Pepper. Astor wouldn't do that…trust me."

Pepper stared in Joey's eyes with grief. "Kind hearts…are the most dangerous hearts of them all."


Jackson,Kilo,Jodi, and Wraith all sat in Jackson's RV and waited for the school bell to ring.

"Any new information? And why don't you give us a little run down of the plan again." Wraith said.

"Your not important to the plan, Wraith. Just help us when we need you." Jackson scolded.

"Umm…no? Just tell me so I know what you guys are doing. I don't wanna be on the side-"

"We need the strong to fight if necessary! We all know something is going on in this town and I don't want any death on our side! People that are missing are starting to pop out of nowhere! And everyone's acting like it's normal, dead people are back, and I don't know what the hell is going on! So I'm sorry if I don't want death around me anymore!" Jackson yelled.

Everyone in the car went silent. Wraith rolled her eyes and stormed out of the car.

"Now you did it". Kilo laughed.

Jackson rushed after Wraith while Kilo and Jodi waited in the car. Jodi said nothing to Kilo. He just stared at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Kilo asked.

"Wraith I'm not saying your weak…I'm just saying I don't want any death on my hands!" Jackson yelled out.

Wraith ignored him and kept walking.

"Have you ever lost someone? People that you care about?" Jackson asked.

Wraith stopped and turned her head. "We're a team, Jackson. Everyone that you've met so far are all in this together. "Me, Jodi, Kilo, Spider, Flock, Natalia, and so many more. Believe it or not Jackson…your our little leader. We look to you when we need something and we need help learning about the town. We can't do that if you only tell "strong" people". Wraith said.

Jackson sat on the ground. Wraith sat next to him. "You've been different since the games. Is…everything alright?" Wraith asked. "Every morning…you leave your house alone and pick up Lily and Jodi. You barley talk to anyone in our huge group".

Jackson grabbed his head and pulled his hair. "The truth is Wraith…I'm scared". Jackson admitted.

Wraith sat next to Jackson and stared at him with sympathy. "Your…scared? Of what? Why would you-"

"I've lost many people that I care about…way before I met any of you guys. I…don't want to lose anymore people. I'm scared of failing, scared of not being perfect, scared I'll mess up! Life's been so damn hard, you have no idea! I keep trying to live through it, but i…."

Tears of stress fell from Jackson's eyes as he covered his face. "I know how you feel". Wraith whispered.

Jackson turned his head and noticed a sad face on Wraith's face. "Before I entered the games I loved with my mother. One day…I couldn't do anything as a jinn attacked. My mother was a jinn slayer. She…needed my help, but I was too scared to move." Wraith said with frustration in her voice.

"Same here. It happened years ago though. I'm still looking for the jinn that killed my family." Jackson explained.

Wraith wrapped her arm around Jackson and rested her head on his. "There's nothing to be scared of, Jackson. We…all have your back. No matter what happens tonight…all twenty of us are in this together. You still haven't even met half of our comrades, but they still trust you." Wraith said as she stood up.

"My teacher told me that your an asshole and that you're not a good person. But in my eyes….your just a guy with a good heart but was changed by the world". Wraith said as she walked away.

Jackson stared and watched Wraith walk away and towards the school. "She sounds just like…you, Elena". Jackson whispered as he got up from the ground.

"Master,Elena, Charlie, mom, dad, sister, everyone….tonight…is for you".

Next chapter: Town of hell

Coming in 3 days