Joey Fights Back

Delta took a step towards Joey and moved faster than the blink of an eye. He was now behind Joey. Your already dead! Delta laughed in his head.

Joey spun around and avoided the blade. He spun and punched Delta with his fist covered in jinn-energy.

Delta flew grabbed a tree and stopped himself. "You…no…your using jinn energy to read my movements!" Delta laughed.

"You talk a lot". Joey responded.

Delta squatted low to the ground and began building up his energy. The forest blew from the aggressive winds being created from Delta's yelling.

"Ready or not…here I come!!" He laughed as he flew towards Joey. Joey jumped back, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge. Delta grabbed Joey by the head and dragged him across the ground through the forest. Joey kicked Delta off. Delta leaned back and began hitting Joey with a barrage of blows.

Joey coughed up blood and started to lose consciousness. Damn it. I hope I bought enough time for Pepper and her family! This is it…I'm about to-"

Suddenly the eating stopped and Joey caught his breath again. Joey caught a glimpse of a man wearing a white cape and hoodie. "Sage!?" Joey yelled out.

"Finally found you kiddo!" Sage laughed as a purple mist surrounded the area. "Jinn mist".

Delta couldn't see anyone in the thick fog created by Sage. "Explosive!" Sage yelled as he crossed his fingers together.

Suddenly the mist began exploding in all directions. Delta ran around and dodged each explosion at a fast rate. "Damn! Looks like there's more then what we saw! I'm a high-level jinn right? This man is definitely a high-hunter!" Delta said to himself as he spun in air and rested on a tree.

Suddenly Joey appeared behind Delta with a sword in his hand. "No you don't!"

Delta jumped off of the tree to avoid Joey. While falling, Sage had been waiting on the ground as he quickly casted a spell. "Flames!" Sage took a deep breath and shot a beam of flames from his mouth towards Delta.

Delta had nowhere to go he had no choice but to take the hit. Wait….am a high-level jinn right? My abilities can be whatever I put my mind to! That's…the beauty of being a jinn! So…I bet…I could definitely do it right now, Delta thought to himself as a twisted smile appeared on the creatures face.

"Ritual, Call of nature: Jinn tree of life!" A giant tree emerged from the ground, allowing Delta to dodge Sage's attack. Joey and Sage were lifted off of the ground and where now on the massive tree.

"Why aren't the webs cutting it!?" Joey asked himself.

"It's because that other jinn is it's mother!" Sage yelled while quickly running up the tree. The tree was 300 feet tall in the air.

Joey followed Sage up the tree and watched. "He's so fast! It's like I'm a kid watching two predators fight! I'm completely outmatched here."

Sage noticed Joey staring. "Joey! If you aren't you get stronger…why'd you even come? Being weak is okay….you just can't stay weak!" Sage said as he continued to press forward after Delta. "Sage…oh hell. Your completely right!" Joey laughed as he surrounded his body with energy. "I'll use my emotions and energy…to climb this tree and reach Delta!" Joey dashed up the tree, leaving a chem-trail of his jinn-energy behind. Joey passed Sage and finally reached Delta. "W-woah!" Delta said as he noticed Joey closing in.

"Your mine….DELTA!!" Joey put his arm back and was getting ready to punch Delta with everything he had. Delta charged his energy with his fist and lunged at Joey. "Die!"

The two clashed, making a huge shockwave of purple and orange jinn energy.


The ground shake as Kellan looked up at the huge tree. "A fight? Must means they found the jinn? Why are all these webs around the damn placeNow all I have to do is just sit here and wa-"

"Look sister….this town is crawling with people to curse!" A sinister voice laughed.

"Yes your right. Shall we….haunt them?" A woman laughed.

Kellan was a strong and built man. He stood to be 6'10, weighted 350, and was intimidating to look at.

"The hell are you!? I'm getting human and jinn energy from you." Kellan said as he slowly backed away. Two being emerged from the forest. Both of the lower half of their bodies were covered with black aura that Kellan had never seen before. The upper half was a pale, what looked to be corpse of people with a forced smile.

"What the hell…"

"Striker…you ready?"

"Yes, Pallah"

The two jinns took a deep breath and quickly sprinted past Kellan. Kellan blinked for a second and already lost the two. "Shit! They're headed for the town!" Kellan took breaths in and put jinn-energy in his throat area.

"EVERYONE THEYRE COMING! GET TO A HIDING SPOT IMMEDIATELY!!" Kellan's jinn yell could be heard up to a hundred miles away.

The people in the village quickly hid and went to shelter.

"We're almost there brother-" Pallah was grabbed by Kellan. Striker stopped running and looked at Kellan. "Why are you ruining the fun, man?" Striker asked.

"Your about to kill innocent-"

"Not kill….curse, man". Striker said while yawning.

Pallah let out a loud laugh as she cried tears of joy. "What the hell is wrong with you two? Don't you know-"

"This human sucks, Striker. Let's kill him!" Pallah laughed.

"Hey, man….could you let go of my twin sis? I wanna kill something!" Striker asked while making his voice into a child.

"Don't you dare mock the dead!"

"Oh…how's this one. "I love you Kellan." Pallah laughed.

Kellan let go of Pallah and stared at her with shock. "H-how did you know my name? And…and…my moms voice…..DONT YOU DARE INSULT THE OKEKE FAMILY'S QUEEN!!!" Kellan yelled as his beautiful golden jinn-energy surrounded his body.

"Oh sis…I think we made the big guy upset!" Striker laughed.

"I love it when you humans suffer! Show us more, more,more, moreeee!!! I wanna see you bleed!!!" Pallah laughed as her face turned red from blushing.

"Jinns are heartless creatures. These two…are the most sinister and evil jinns I've ever ran into.

"Do me a favor…and die slowly for us, Kellan!" Striker yelled as Pallah cut open Strikers stomach. Striker reached in and slowly pulled out a spine-weapon. "Jinn weapon, Skeletal sword!"

"Diiieeee!" Striker yelled as he dashed right to Kellan. Kellan quickly jumped back and put his hand into his pocket.

"Jinn weapon: Hatchet Of The Fallen Slaves!"

Kellan pulled out a two-handed hatchet and slammed it on the ground to push Striker away.

Pallah ripped open her body and pulled out her spine to make a sword. "This is going to be so…much….FUN!"

Kellan looked down and realized he had been cut deeply in his stomach. "Damn. He must've reached me before I could make separation." Kellan coughed up blood. "Making a royal bleed? You two will die here and now!"


Joey fell into Sage's arms. Sage put Joey down on a tree branch. "Your not strong enough to fight with me! Go meet up with Pepper and Jinx. I'll meet with you there". Sage said as he clapped his hands and disappeared.

Joey had clashed with Delta and lost both his arms in the process. "I…can't feel my hands. Sage had to leave me…because Delta is powerful and can't be left alone. I…have to…reach….Pepper….Duce….Jinx-everyone". Joeys mind flooded with memories of his sister,Mother,Ahana, Jodi, Jackson, and more. Tears poured from his eyes. "So many people are counting on me! And yet…I can't do a damn thing about it! I need to help…no! I'll reach all of them!"