
Kellan stood his ground and swung his hatchet. Striker laughed and stopped Kellans attack with one finger.


Pallah ran behind Kellan and stabbed her bone-sword right through his body. "Wait…brother this is-"

"About time you got it!" Kellan whispered into Pallah's ear. Kellan landed a mighty blow to Pallahs back. "Shit! He can make clones, brother!"

Striker grabbed Pallah and threw himself in the woods. Striker jumped on top of a tree and looked at his surroundings. Ten Kellan clones surrounded them.

"So you make clones? They all of the same flow of jinn-energy as you. Good job! I can't tell which one is the real one!" Striker laughed as he spit out a small ball.

What's that!? Kellan thought.

"You really are a high-level jinn slayers aren't you!? You were destined to have talent!" Striker laughed as the ball formed into a creature that Kellan had never seen before.

"Jinn-energy manipulation technique: Energy Consumer!"

The creature stood on four legs and was stationary. It opened its jaws as a green mist covered the area. "This fog…it's so thick". Kellan said as he moved around to see.

Pallah started attack all the clones again. What!? I can't see or feel their movements!?

"I know your probably confused right now!" Striker laughed as he moved around in the mist. Kellan could do nothing but listen to to sound of Strikers voice as he and Pallah moved around in the mist.

"My technique stops my opponent from sensing Jinn-energy and stops them from using their techniques if breathed in! Your already dead! Once breathed in, poison will enter your body and kill you within minutes!" Striker laughed.

Pallah tried to attack Kellan once again from behind. This time, it wasn't a clone…since Striker caught Kellan in his mist.

Pallah was shocked to see Kellan turn around, grab Pallah by the head, and slam her head into the tree. Making a huge crater in the ground.

"Amazing!" She laughed from another tree.

"Let me guess…you can copy the abilities of people?" Kellan asked.


Kellan scuffed as Striker and Pallah took a fighting stance on top of the tree. "I said I'd kill both of you…but I never said it was going to be easy". He laughed.


Astor and Zuri ran and ran. "You think Joey will die!?" Zuri asked. "Without question. The mission is over…we can leave now! Just have to find everyone and evacuate-damn! I forgot about my home-village! I'll take them on the plane." Astor said.

Zuri stopped in her tracks. "So…you really think he's dead? I just want to make sure! We have no chance of survival if he's still alive! Only few have faced high-level jinns and lived!" Zuri said.

"Joey is nothing but barley medium-level. Trust me it's over….we can go home, Zuri".

Zuri smiled. Astor looked at Zuri and noticed blood shooting from the side of her head. Zuri's body dropped as she kept the smile on her lifeless face.

"Head shot! I'm…really getting good at this". A deep-demonic voice laughed. Astor froze and stared at Zuri. "Z-Zuri?"

A jinn walked out into the opening. The jinn stood around 5'8 but…looked exactly human. "What….aww tree you? Your not human….your a jinn. I can tell! It's not a corpse…the body looks clean and I know you jinns don't care about clean". Astor said as his hands caught on fire from rage.

"What am I? I'm…you. I'm a being born into this world". The jinn said in a calm, yet elegant voice. "Shut up and die!" Astro said as he shot a fireball at the jinn.

The smoke cleared and Astor was shocked to see the jinn still standing there. "Was that an attack? I didn't feel a thing". The jinn said in a calm tone. "The hell!?" Astor argued.

"Take this!" Astor shot a barrage of fireballs. "Flame Barrage!!!" Astor shot around fifty fireballs in only five seconds. The jinn was still in the exact same spot.

"You e gotta be kidding me!" Astor yelled.

"I'd like to avoid conflict right now. I have a lot of questions to ask you". The jinn said as he took a seat on the ground.

"Talk? Questions? Don't make me laugh". Astor said as he threw himself at the jinn. "Flaming Dragon Kick!!" Astors leg caught on fire, he rose in the air and slammed his legs onto the ground.

The jinn caught his leg and threw him yards into the forest. The jinn quickly dashed towards him.

While falling, Astor focused his flames in his legs and used them to fly in the air.

"I see. Your using flames to push you away from the ground…interesting". The jinn said.

"Crystal….expand". The jinn said as he took a fighting stance.

What's this!? A Crystal formed in the ground!? Astor thought to himself as he floated in the air.

"Crystal…read and program". The Crystal glowed on the ground while the jinn waited and waited. "Now…it's time to attack!" The jinn laughed as it lunged at Astor.

"My Crystal…can read everything I need to know about you! Your weaknesses,strengths, and fears!"


The jinn went behind Astor and surrounded his fist with ice. "Ice…punch!"


Duce carried Jinx around on his back as he tried to tuff it out. "Damn". He said.

"I can walk now". Jinx said. She jumped off of Duce and walked beside him. "We'll find Joey and get out of here!" Duce said.

"You want to leave Astor? Why-"

"Jinx…he wants to kill Joey. That's the whole reason he put this thing tougher! He wants revenge for his mother…but he mainly wants Joey dead!" Duce argued.

"Jinn Eagle!" An eagle formed on Duces right arm. Duce placed a letter in the eagles mouth and let it fly away. "Find Joey…and give him the letter!" Duce ordered the bird.

"Duce…we're not leaving him". Jinx said.

"Yes…we are".

Jinx slowly pulled out her chainsaw. Duce turned his head slowly and made eye contact with Jinx. "Your gonna fight me!? Calm down, Jinx".

Jinx ignored Duce and lunged at him. Duce jumped out of the way, as Jinx managed to cut an arm off of a tall jinn blending in with the trees.

"You noticed me…good job, Slayer!" The jinn laughed. The jinn had gold scaly skin just like a fish, walked on four legs, and had sharp teeth with no eyes. "Great job!" It laughed.

"What are you?" Jinx asked.


Suddenly, Peppers fairy dust fell from the sky…the jinn hissed and ran off. Jinx looked up and noticed Pepper flying above them. "PEPPER WAIT! Don't use your powers just yet! Save it!" Duce yelled.

"We need to go after that jinn". Jinx said.

"Pepper, follow the jinn!" Jinx screamed. Pepper quickly nodded her head and followed.

Duce grabbed Jinx and ran behind her.


Astor was punched through the stomach and bleeding out from his injuries. "Who knew that a single punch would be so deadly. Aren't you a spirit? How does this affect you? I don't understand". The jinn said as he put a hand on his chin.

"Who…who…are you!? You came out of the eggs? You look human-"

"You sure do talk a lot. I'm just here to find out who I am…and kill anyone who tries to hurt mom".

"Mom? You think you're a kid!? You were created by a jinn and born as a pure jinn! You have no heart-"

"Ice sword". The jinn summoned a long sword made of ice and slowly walked towards Astor.


The jinn turned its head. "No way…how are you alive!?"

Zuri posted up on a tree. She pushed away from the tree and lifted her hair to reveal the wound completely healed.

"You for real!?" The jinn asked.

"Oh, yeah. I'm serious!" Zuri laughed as one eye was covered and the other glowing through her thick hair with a crazy look.

"Jinn-slayer weapon, high-level: Spear Of The Okeke!"

Zuri spun the spear around with flashiness.

"The real fight starts now!" Zuri laughed.

The jinn leaped at Zuri. Zuri's eyes glowed. "Blast away!" She screamed as the jinn was pushed back with great force.

That's the power of the legendary eyes of the OKEKE family! Astor thought to himself. "Anything I command…or rules that I set…you must follow…or you die!" Zuri said.


Joey lay in the giant tree….his blood still leaked from the tree. "Not yet". He whispered over and over again.