
"Ahana you need to open your mouth! What the hell do you know?! We went through all that…all that suffering and hell on the island! You knew this would happen!" Joey yelled as he raised his blade.

"We're going to settle this right now! Pick up your swords!" Joey demanded.

Ahana ignored Joey and faced the terrifying red energy surrounding the area. "I do not have time for this. I know you can see the bigger threat-"


"Joey, calm down." Jodi said, as he slowly approached him. "We'll figure all this out after we take Kebushie down. Try to restrain yourself, for the sake of-"

"Jodi, please, I can't hold it in much longer. Everything…I can feel myself about to explode…every…single…damn second!" Joey said. He grabbed as his hair and pulled it tight while hitting his lips.

Jackson have Ahana a suspicious look. "We will find out eventually. Either Joey is right or wrong." Jackson said.

Ahana looked back at Jackson and stared at him. "The best character…" she whispered.

A smooth breeze went by, as Ahana and the four boys turnt their attention to the high school.

The doors of the school flew open and the red energy oozed out of it slowly. Kebushie emerged from the darkness, holding a woman in his arms.

"Sorry it took so long! It's been a while silence we all met. How have you been Ahana,Jackson, white lighting….Joey?"

"Kebushie…what have you-"

"I'm not finished, Ahana." Kebushie laughed, as he began to pace back and forth. "You see, this is gonna be some little reunion. It feels like yesterday when everyone was alive and the three of us were best friends." Kebushie said with a smile.

"What…what did you do?!" Jodi asked as he slowly reached for his sword. "Calm down…little man. I don't want your little reptile arm to fall off. Besides, you have a enemy coming for you as I speak." Kebushie pointed behind Jodi. Sho jumped out of the shadows, grabbed Jodi, made a shadow pool, and disappeared.

"Well…that settles that. As I was saying, I believe everyone should sit back and watch this legendary battle!" Kebushie laughed.

Joey put away his sword and fell to his knees. "Joey? What's wrong? Why-"

Jackson realized it. In Kebushie's arms, where Joeys mother lay dead.

A soft breeze blew, as Joey stared at his mother. "Oh, I forgot to mention…I had to make a little sacrifice. You can understand that, Joey? I needed to do what had to be done. For…a new world. I just want to make-" Kebushie was shocked to see a blank expression on Joey's face. His jinn energy had completely vanished.

Ahana glared at Joey as he kept staring at Kebushie and his mother. Jackson felt a sharp pain in his heart. He grabbed his chest and grit his teeth. "What…do you think you're doing? She did…she did nothing wrong!"

"Nothing wrong? This…thing. This thing made a nasty deal with a very powerful and legendary jinn. This trash shouldn't even be allowed to exist! I know everything!" Kebushie threw Martha's body away.

With incredible speed, Joey moved swiftly and caught Martha before she hit the ground. Joey caressed her face gently. "Oh, no. Mom, I'm so sorry…please forgive me." Joey said. The tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"I…have failed to protect everyone…I failed, I failed, I failed! Again and again!" Joey yelled. "Nothing has changed!! Nothing!!!"

"Joey, your mom…is just a sacr-"

Joey flew past Ahana and punched Kebushie, sending him through the school building.

Ahana and Jackson watched as Joey's jinn energy surrounded his body violently. "I'm going to kill you, Kebushie." Joey said as he lowered his body and let out a yell that made Jackson's ears almost pop.

Kebushie dusted himself off and started to clap his hands. "Amazing punch, Joey. YOU are perfect for my new world!" Kebushie laughed, as a flash of red light flew past Kebushie and Joey.

A cold feeling shot through Ahana and Jackson. The two where outside of the school as a tall figure emerged from the shadows.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Jackson said as a man wearing a black cloak, with long black hair that was at the lower part of his back, glowing red eyes, and a large scythe laying across his muscular shoulders.

"What…year is it?" The man asked in a cold tone.

"Ahana, this is-"

"My dead brother, Adrienne…I know. It would seem…the princes of hell have a servant. That…was the whole point of the orb. Right now, Adrienne's corpse was received with their energy. He's a servant for them…he can't undo this and neither can i. Jackson, you should get back." Ahana said as Adrienne stared at Ahana.

"Sister…it's been far too long." Adrienne said with a twisted smile.

Ahana glared at him. "Adrienne…you…aren't you. Right now, you're being controlled by the princes of hell. Some of their power has been poured into your corpse…making you under their control."

"Is that right? You wanna talk about control? I…remember everything. What you did to me!"

Jackson squinted his eyes. "Oh…shit."

Adrienne let out a soft sigh and reached for his scythe. "This whole town…and every living thing…shall parish!" Adrienne levitated and held the scythe over his head.

It was as if the whole world had slowed. Ahana jumped back, as Jackson was close to clapping his hands together.

Adrienne lifted the weapon and swung it in multiple direction. The slashed traveled and started to destroy the town, cutting it to chunks.

Ahana couldn't see anything. She created a barrier to protect herself. "Where's Jackson? I thought I had him. Oh? I see…not holding back at all, huh?"

Adrienne looked over the ruins of the town. "Weak things are easily destroyed. This…is pure heaven!" Adrienne laughed as the dust cloud began to split.

Adrienne was shocked to see a giant fist coming at him. Adrienne flew out of the way and even higher in the sky.

"Someone actually managed to summon you? One of the legendary jinns, Bakemono!" Adrienne laughed as the creature opened its mouth and shot a giant ball of flames at Adrienne.

Jackson was on top of Bakemono, covered in cuts from Adrienne's attack. His blood covered his face and everywhere, all over his body.

"Hey…you're supposed to be strong, right? I don't like…when someone brings a knife to a reunion." Jackson said with a evil-like glare look in his eyes.

"I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass, Adrienne!" Jackson pulled out his hatchet and let Bakemono leap towards him.

Adrienne clapped his hands, switching places with Jackson. "What the-"

"Plasma canon ray!" Adrienne pointed at Bakemono's head. The blast reflected off of his head.

"You can't kill Bakemono so easily. After all, he is one of the forbidden ones." Jackson said as Bakemono prepares to fire another shot.

"Bakemono has so much abilities and powers. I'm not on that level yet, but I can definitely use some of his servants. Bakemono has a total of ten servants…each with their own unique abilities." Jackson jumped off of the creature and began to fall towards the ground.

Jackson clapped his hands. "Servant number one…Poltergeist!"

A pair of arms formed around Jackson. He was getting closer and closer to the ground, as a woman appeared behind him and began to fly him around.

Ahana ran towards Adrienne while looking up at Jackson. "Not bad…he can even use the servants. Not bad, Jackson Price!" Ahana laughed, as she jumped in the air, grabbed Adrienne, and threw him to the ground.

Bakemono quickly turned around and dove towards Adrienne. "Teaming up on me, huh?" Adrienne yelled. His eyes glowed for a split second. Ahana knocked Bakemono off of his course, causing a powerful beam from Adrienne's eyes to barley miss.

"If Jackson loses in a fight with Bakemono…he'll die! Be more careful with your toy!" Ahana yelled.


Rock opened his eyes and managed to push through all of the rubble around him. The town had been cut to pieces. Rock made eye contact with Ellowyn and Ellowys. "Seems like the chosen one is awake. Means we finally won, sis!" Ellowyn laughed.

"You two think you've won?" Rock asked. His blood slowly fell down his arm.

"You're already hurt? Soft skin!" Ellowys screamed.

"Heh…soft, huh? You two…teamed up on one man to defeat him. You're…nothing but cowards."

Ellowyn and Ellowys have each other a funny look.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

The two jinns charged at Rock. Rock quickly put all of his jinn energy around his fist. "Bring it!"


Joey and Kebushie both were covered in dust from Joey's punch. "Relax. You're special. There's no need to-"

"My mother!" Joey jumped towards Kebushie. Kebushie snapped his fingers, causing a giant wall of jinns to block Joey.

"This world is cruel, Joey. I'm just trying to fix it! We both didn't ask to come here! Allow me to show you the right way! You have no idea what's going on!" Kebushie yelled, as Joey punched through the wall and began to peruse him again.

"Fine…fine…fine…I'll just subdue him. I still need Lily and Joey. Lily…will just have to die. Sorry, that's the way it's gonna go."

Next chapter: Unraveling