In my DNA

Joey barley missed Ahana. Ahana uses him and jumped across the city. (Amazing!) Ahana thought as Kebushie used his dragon to fly towards her.

"Shield." The dragon shot its breath. A forcefield blocked the attack. Kebushie used a dark cloud to fly around in the air.

"Master would be ashamed!" Kebushie yelled across the sky. "You're one to talk!" Ahana laughed as she flew towards him.

Kebushie allowed Ahana to get in close. He jumped off of the clout, spun around, pulled out a dagger, and managed to slice Ahana from her waste to the side of her body.

Ahana landed a powerful kick that sent Kebushie to the ground. Before he hit the ground, Joey appeared and caught him and quikcly tossed him on his feet.

"Jinn weapon: Jinn slayer!"

(The first jinn slayer's weapon?!?) Kebushie thought. The two ran side-by-side. Ahana did a flip in the air and studied the area. "Kebushie got me good. It's sad when I think about it. Adrienne…would've turned out all right if you didn't decide to attack. As I said earlier, humans really are unemotional once you think about it."

Ahana held out her hands. A large amount of jinn energy surrounded the area. Kebushie ordered Joey to stop. "Fall back!" Kebushie yelled.

"For what? Nothing is-"

The buildings and surrounding area all erased into nothing. Joey just saw white surrounding him.

(Where…am I?) suddenly, Joey snapped back and was hit with a powerful ball of energy.

"Dumbass didn't move!" Kebushie said as he jumped on top of a neaby building.

Ahana grabbed Kebushie from behind his head and slammed him through the multiple floors of the building.

"You are getting weaker!" Kebushie laughed from above. "A clone?" Ahana asked as she spun around and was met with a giant jinns ass headed towards her.

Kebushie summoned a giant jinn and let it sit on the building. Ahana stopped it with one finger and exploded it.

"Jeez, I think your little friends would've put up a better fight than this." Ahana sighed. "Why did you say?"

"You heard me, Kebushie. The one I killed…what was its name? The way he died…it really satisfied me." Ahana chuckled.

Kebushie stood in silence and notcied a deep cut wound on his right arm. "Damn." He whispered.

"Those two were everything. My family and friends…all gone because you let the jinn come to my house!"

"All true, friend. I've had this vision for a long time. It's all part of the excitement."

"Tsk. Where is your humanity?"

"Humanity? It's just a word. Humans aren't special."


" have no idea. People like me are above the rest."


Joey layed on the ground, just staring at the stars. "The way my body is…I can't even keep up with Ahana or Kebushie. I need my demon form. I don't know how to get that. I…I have to focus…I have to become…the monster they thought I would be."


Kebushie and Ahana continued their fight. Ahana flipped across the street and kicked him on his shoulder area.

"Should just lie down and die! Should've just ran away like you did when you forced Jackson to kill!" Ahana laughed as she began to punch Kebushie repeatedly across his arms as he continued to block. "All of this…was YOU!!! Not me….NOT…MEEEE!!!" Ahana put her fist together and slammed them into his chest. Creating another big crate in the ground.

Kebushie layed on the ground while gasping for air. "Y-you fool. You don't…you really don't think I know?" Kebushie summoned a small creature that pushed Ahana away and into a neaby building. Ahana grabbed onto the building and hung off of the side.

"I didn't want to believe it, but you…really are what I think you are. Why do this? Trying to kill all the angels or something? World domination?"

"You are the last to talk. You want jinns and humans to be one."

"And they will. I'm mature enough to know a bigger threat. You…must die, old friend." Kebushie said. Ahana chuckled as she could see a bit of sadness in his eyes. Ahana teleported in front of Kebushie and leaned in towards his left ear.

"We both know you can't kill me. After all. Would you…really kill the one you love? Huh?"

She asked while landing a powerful blow to his chest. While flying through the air, Kebushie summoned a black jinn that caught him.

"Ritual: maximum Jinn pit!"

The ground cracked as hundreds of jinns appeared behind Ahana. (These are the very last. My storage is completely empty of jinns now. This…this is nothing more than a distraction for you. Hit her with all you've got!)

Ahana fought her way through the large crowd of jinns. As she was fighting, she caught a glimpse of a man sprinting in the crowd. (What is this? A cover-up? A distraction?)

Ahana tried to use her eye to locate the person moving. (They are keeping their energy low. Must mean they are experienced with jinn energy. It can't be Joey,Lily or Natalia.)

Someone jumped out from crowd. "Soul punisher!" Rock landed one of his punches on Ahana. "Rock!" Ahana yelled as she turned around to see nothing.

"Hiding in the crowd, huh? You've never been the one to stand out!" Ahana yelled as she used her eye to summon a light yellow ball of energy. "Output ball…burst!"

Ahana used her hands to guide the ball and kill every jinn it made contact with. "Where are you hiding?!"

Ahana was shocked to see a ball of blames headed towards her. (Amber!)

Ahana noticed the flow of her energy slowed dramatically. (Rock landed one of those punches. He must die).

Ahana flipped over the ball and was about to land inside of a jinn's mouth. And levitated over the jinn. She used her powers to lift the jinn in the air and threw it towards the crowd.

(I can't see them. There are too many. In that case…)

Ahana clapped her hands together. Before she could chant the words, Rock flew from the crowd and directly towards her.

Ahana leaned back. She kicked Rock into the air and changed her hand. "Bang."

Rock moved his head. The force from the attack shot a piece of his left ear off. "Now, Amber!"

Ahana turned her head to see Amber emerge from underneath her using Sho's shadow ability.

"This is for him! Flaming torch attack!" Amber collided her hands together and shot a powerful beam of flames at Ahana.

Ahana snapped her fingers, causing the flames to redirect itself towards Amber. A giant shadow formed around Amber as Sho jumped from the portal and put a marker on Ahana.

(What the-)

A bullet had his Ahana in the exact spot where Rock had landed his soul punch. Ahana felt a sharp pain run through her body.

She fell into the crowd of jinns and was overwhelmed by their numbers. The jinns all piled on top of Ahana.

Amber jumped inside of Sho's portal.

Ahana knocked all of the jinns away with her energy and dashed towards Sho.

Sho looked behind him and smirked. "Dumbass."

A large jinn appeared through Sho's shadow and fell on top of Ahana. "That'll buy us some time. We have to go, Kebushie!" Sho yelled.

Kebushie stood his ground on top of a house and looked on in disbelief. "Not yet. I don't know where the hell your chemistry came with them from, but it's not enough. Rock…rock is the key to having an opening.

Sho held out his hand and activated a shadow portal. Rock,Amber,and Natalia jumped out beside Kebushie.

"Well, what's the plan? It would seem you all already have one?"

"Nope. Don't even know this kid too much." Amber replied while out of breath.

Kebushie smirked. Sho has the ability to almost adapt to whoever he fights with. It's remarkable" Kebushie said as everyone watched Ahana lift the jinn off of her. "I…have a plan. It's risky, but I think it's enough. Enough to seal Ahana away." Kebushie said.

Amber and Rock gave each other an odd look. "Let's hear it?"

"Ahana…has the wish jinn, correct?"

Amber grabbed Kebushie by the hair. "How'd you know that? You spied on us or something!?"

"Well, of course. Joey is amazing. I know she has the jinn. It's sealed away in the meeting room. We will use that and remove the jinn. Probably even use it as bait. Remove the jinn and seal her away inside of it."

"How do you expect us to do that? We can't go to the room. She'll rip us apart before we can make it." Rock said.

Kebushie looked at Sho. Sho gave him a thumbs-up. "Absolutely not. I'm not having a stranger teleport the meeting room here. Are you crazy?" Amber chuckled and shrugged. "I forgot. I'm talking with the man who wants to kill the human race. Why am I even this close to you?"

Kebushie started to get annoyed. "Would you get your head out of your ass!! We don't have time for this! Everyone has different plans and ideas for Ahana. We are all over the place because you all couldn't get along or trust each other. We must seal her. Ahana is too powerful for us."

"No. The kid. The kid is the key." Amber said.

Natalia gave her a wide-eyed look before smirking. "Joey. Joey…isn't human like us. Well, he is human. Part human and devil or jinn. He…can do it. We will use them both-"

"You're talking about sealing Joey away with Ahana?!" Natalia asked Amber. "No. To kill Ahana for good."


Kebushie sat in his dark room. The door swung open. "I don't want to talk, Master."

Kebushie sighed.

"It's me you idiot. Why are you sad?" Ahana asked as she looked around and shut the door to his room.

"You killed…innocent-"

"Are you really gonna start with this again? No one is innocent, Kebushie. The world isn't fair."

Kebushie side-eyed Ahana before he leaned against his wall. "Are you not happy?" Ahana asked.


"How can we fix that? You've been with us for a while now. You…can talk to us."

"Whatever, Ahana."

Ahana grabbed Kebushie by the shoulder and turned him around. "You aren't being honest. I can sense everything. When you lie,your feelings…how you feel." Ahana said.

Kebushie removed her hand and grabbed his hair. "Get out. I don't want to speak to you."

"But you do. Your heart. It…beats faster when I'm around. It's not like you are nervous or anything. You have feelings for me and you don't know why…right?"

Kebushie's eyes widened as he turned to face Ahana. "It's wrong." Kebushie said. "Is it?" She asked.

"You…killed my friend. Why is it…I feel this way? Tell me…why?" Kebushie asked in a shaky voice. "I don't know. I…am sorry. Kebushie…I-I just…want…I want us to be happy. I know it's too late for it now, but…I really…really do…never mind. I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"What are you talking-"

Ahana grabbed Kebushie by the head and pulled him in for a kiss. He could feel their lips colliding together.

(After that day. Ahana…was different. Was she trying to warn me?)


Kebushie looked on at Ahana as she slowly walked towards the group. "Joey….JOEEYYY!!"


Joey could hear Kebushie's yell for help. "I'm…coming. Just give me a damn minute." Joey said while collapsing to the ground.

"I feel so weak and helpless. I can't do anything. Ahana…will kill everyone. And yet…I can't unlock the form I need to stand a chance!" Joey punched the ground. "Get up!"

Joey pushed off of the ground and slowly walked towards the commotion in the distance. "Get up! Fight to win! Ahana…is a liar! Everyone and everything is gone! She knew this would happen! Why…can't I do anything right?!?" Joey yelled as his energy began to spread across the ground.

Joey slapped himself in the face before starting to cry. "Unlock your true self! You aren't good! That's been taken away from you! Wake up!"

(But everyone hates me now!)

"No,no,no!! It's her fault!"

(But…I decided to go to the island!)

"No,she and Alastor did that! Ahana knew the outcome!"

(I shouldn't-)

"I should!"


"Y-you don't have to do this." Lily begged as Jinx was walking towards her and sliding her chainsaw across the ground.

"I have to. For the sake…of everyone. You have to die. It's the only way to free us."

Lily fell down. She had blurry vision while Jinx was getting closer.

Lily managed to get up and hold out her hand. As if she were doing it to make a barrier for herself.

"There's another way. There always is. Now, I don't know what or who you've lost. We've all lost people. We are human." Lily said in a calm voice. She could feel her heartbeat beating through her chest almost. "You don't have to do this. I know…you don't want to do this. Here's what we're gonna do, okay? We're gonna put the chainsaw down…walk back to the others…and pretend this never happened, okay?" Lily walked up to Jinx and grabbed the chainsaw. Jinx's eyes grew. "Just…give me the weapon, please?"


Jinx snatched the chainsaw out from Lily's hand and swung it. "No, wait!" Lily screamed. A white light flew across Jinx's view. (Where did she go?)

"What's the matter with you, Jinx?!" Jodi yelled in a panic tone. Jodi flew in and saved Lily from Jinx.

Lily was hanging onto Jodi's back. "Woah." Lily said as Jodi's lighting surrounded the two of them. "Put her down, pup. I'm going to kill the thing that's growing every second!"

"The hell are you on about?!" Jodi asked as a blood vessel appeared in the middle of his head from anger.

"You dumb child."

"What? Your stupid dice doesn't work?"

Jinx glared at Jodi. "Stand down!" Jodi commanded. "Fuck you!" Jinx quikcly replied.

Jodi took a fighting stance. "Stay close, Lily. I'll protect you."

Jinx sighed into her pocket and throw a pair of dice. One rolled on a 5 while the other landed on 3. "Just my luck." Jinx said with a smirk.

"Put your weapon down! This is your last warning. This ain't the way to finish things! It solves nothing! Put it down, Jinx!" Jodi yelled.

"I refuse. You'll have to kill me for that, Jodi. The man…or should I say reptile!" Jinx laughed.

"Enough talk. Die." Jodi used his lighting and flew at Jinx.


Joey could feel himself growing stronger by the second. "It's her fault! I have to kill her! It's all her fault!!"

Joey's energy began to cause a mini-earthquake. He yelled as he unleashed his power. "Kill her! Kill! Must-must kill…AHANAAA!!!!"


Ahana stopped in her tracks and felt a sharp spike in energy. "Joey?"

Ahana turned her attention towards the area and prepared herself. "City-level….SLASH!"

Kebushie quikcly used a jinn to protect himself and the others.

(I'll use this jinn from the crowd!)

Ahana's slashes cut more of the city and destroyed surrounding houses. The slashing stopped. Ahana put her hands down and squinted her eyes to see Joey approaching in the distance. "Didn't hurt you?"

Joey ignored her and flew at her. "Dieeee!!!!" Joey surrounded his fist with jinn energy and threw a barrage of punches. Ahana laughed while dodging each strike.

She held out her hand and pushed Joey back with force. Ahana activated her eye to twist Joey's arm.

(I just realized it. His arm…it's healed? And on top of that, he…he finally activated his demon ability!)

"Good job, little brother!"

It was like everything had froze. (Did…she say little brother?) Joey stopped in his tracks and Ahana stopped her attack.

"What…did you say?"

"Good job…little brother."

Kebushie and the others were in shock. "Wait, it all makes sense! Kebushie quikcly jumped off of the building and ran towards Joey and Ahana. "Joey!! Get away from her!!" Kebushie yelled as the others quikcly followed him.

"Explain. Now!" Joey ordered. Ahana smirked and opened her mouth the speak. "We are the descendants of the king of hell. Our father…chose three women to impregnate. Now, these women were mostly poor,special,or could see things others found or explain. You had the poor one, Joey."

"SHUT UP!! That has nothing to do-"

"I'm not finished." Ahana sighed. "Me and Adrienne are the first-born children of the demon king. You and Lily were second. There's another one out there in the world. I have yet to locate them. Don't you get it Joey? This was fated."

"No. No one told you to come after me or my family! You did all this because of some future you want to avoid!"

"Does that make me the bad guy?" Ahana held out her hand. "You are my brother. This is the honest truth. You and Lily…could've had a better life if I showed up sooner."

"No." Joey replied with a cold look in his face.

"No? But your whole life…you've been-"

"Even if what you're saying is true, why would I care? You are no sister of mine. Besides, I know what you really wanted the whole time."

Ahana's smile completely disappeared.

"It's the reason why you only have one eye. Well, it was actually Adrienne's eye. You were born with the red-eyes and swapped inside of your mothers womb with Adrienne. As usual, a red-eyes user will always plot and become evil. Now that Adrienne is dead, there will be another Red-eye user. It'll most likely be passed down because of our curse. The same goes with your other eye. A jinn user can't unlock that thing unless they have good experience. That's why you needed me to get pushed to the edge. So you can finally have it." Joey pointed at his eye with his thumb. "You believe…I'll be the next one to inherit your eye. I…reject that power."

Ahana had veins starting to pop out of her arm. "Finally got it, huh? Must've gotten that brain of your through Master K-"

"It was my mom! And you…you are nothing but pure evil."

"You are absolutely…right!" Ahana laughed as she threw her arms in the air. "I think I'm done playing with my food now, brother! Im gonna kill everyone! Let's bring that power out, shall we?" Ahana laughed as she turned around and flew towards Kebushie and the others.

Kebushie stopped in his tracks and clapped his hands. The crowd of jinns ran over and covered their bodies.

"Not good enough!" Ahana yelled as she flew through the crowd and quikcly took each jinn out one-by-one.

Joey used his demon energy and left trails of flames. He grabbed Ahana by the neck and slammed her into the ground. "Ahahahaha!! That's the spirit!" Ahana punched through Joey. She could feel his spine in her hands. "Time…to let it rip!" Ahana laughed. Joey looked down and quikcly surrounded his fist with energy. "Infinity!"

Ahana's eye widened. She moved her head and dodged the first punch. Behind Joey, she could see Rock headed towards the two. "Soul punisher!!" Rock yelled.

Ahana let out a scream that pushed both of them away. Ahana flew up to Rock and tossed him to the side. She held out her hand and shot a blast of energy.

Rock evaded the blast. While falling back, he closed his eyes and shot back. Ahana was surprised by this move. (I had no idea…he could do such a thing! Something is wrong. What…are they planning? Who's ability…is this?)

Ahana covered her head and was blown away by Rock's attack. Joey flew beneath Ahana and kicked her into the air.

Sho fell through his portal and pulled his arm back. "Shadow armor!" Sho put shadow energy around his arm and slapped Ahana back towards the ground.

Sho could see a mark on Ahana's face. "D-damage has been done! We're making progress!" Sho said.

Ahana landed and did a few flips before realizing she was starting to take damage. "Oh?"

Before she could Catch her breath, Jaden appeared in front of her and swung his sword. "You! Still hanging around, huh?" Ahana said with a wide smile.

(She's getting tired. Almost like a normal human. The plan…Jackson it's working! We can win!) Jaden jabbed his sword at her. Ahana caught the sword with her hand. "That's still gonna-"

"Tell me about it!" Ahana said as she placed her hand on Jaden's chest. "Slash!"

"JADEN!!!" Amber screamed. Jaden fell back with a wide slash across his chest. Jaden coughed up blood as Ahana stood over him. "Die!" Ahana held out her hand and was preparing herself to finish him off.

Kebushie flew in and the two clashed with their weapons. Joey flew in from behind. "Infinity punch!" Joey was stopped by a forcefield that surrounded Ahana. "Damn…you!" Joey yelled as he pushed harder to break the shield.

Amber,Sho, and Natalia all jumped in and pushed against the field. Ahana could see the field beginning to break. Rock appeared behind Joey. "That…can't be-"

Rock held his fist and landed a powerful blow to Ahana's forcefield. Ahana used her eye to look ten seconds into the future.

Rock made a hand sign. Everyone quikcly ran into Ahana's filed. She only focused on Rock. "Ritual!"


The two said at the same time. Ahana smiled. The world went in slow motion. (Mine…was 1 millisecond faster than yours, Rock.)


Jodi was kicked out of the building and into the street. Jinx moved across with ease. She managed to close the distance between Jodi and her. She sliced Jodi's face with the chainsaw.

Jodi held his cheek as he moved behind a house. "She's…too damn strong. I can't…I can't compete with her-"

Jinx kicked Jodi. Lily was knocked off of his back and was in the middle of the street. "Jodi!" She yelled.

Jodi opened his eyes and jumped up to face Jinx. "My power has shrinked. That damn dice!"


Next chapter: Love to DIE for