Chapter 2

Evan and me had a mildly popular reputation at school but were light years away from the jocks. We both were friends with a guy named Michael, who we met because we played basketball outside of school sometimes, and another dude named Chris, who we met because all grades have the same lunch. Michael was in 9th grade like us. He was African American, had a 4.1 gpa, basketball team, super tall; he was all that. Chris was in 10th grade. He had a 4.3 gpa, of American descent, and the starting varsity football quarterback. He was probably one of the most popular kids in school. Then there was my girlfriend, Rose. A perfect 5'5, tight latina body, dark brown luscious hair, perfect personality, anything and everything a guy could want in a girl. We met at the park by my house one time and we hit it off things just went really well from there. Everyone had the same lunchtime across all grades so that is how we met Chris and we met Michael through Basketball outside of school since we played sometimes at the park. Chris was more mature than all of us so when we wanted to do something stupid he would tell us not to do so. We almost considered him as a father to us.

One day, we were all in the park playing basketball with each other. While we were balling, there were two dudes sitting on a bench staring at us but looked away when we would make eye contact. unless we looked at them then they would look away into the distance. When we finished playing, they quickly hopped in their van and took some streets so that we couldn't see where they were going. We didn't know why they were watching us but we just forgot about it the next day.

The next day, Michael didn't show up to school. This was extremely abnormal for him since he only missed one school day this school year because he had a doctor's appointment. Me, Evan, and Chris tried calling him in between periods, during lunchtime, and after school but we heard nothing from him. We were all scared out of our fucking minds so we went out asking everybody that knew him, but nobody knew anything. When we went to his mom's house she didn't answer but the door was unlocked and we went inside calling for her, " Ms. Rebecca are you there?! Ms. Rebecca?! Ms. Rebecca are you here?! It's Michael's friends!" No response. We searched through the house for her and found her dead in the bathtub. We were all in shock and scared as shitless so we ran out of the front door without thinking to look for evidence about Michael.

We went to the police station trying to find out what happened to Michael. We wanted to mention Rebecca being dead but Chris told us not to mention it as the police could charge us with trespassing and send us to Juvie. We didn't touch anything in the house so there was no evidence of us being there, luckily. They asked us if we asked anybody about him and we said yes we did but nobody knew anything.

Later that exact day, this police officer named Jeffery went to my house where me, Evan, and Chris were and said "We found Michael, but his body was in a river and mutilated. We also happened to find his mother dead in her own bathtub. We are very sorry and we will find out who did this and bring justice to them." He then asked us if we knew anything that could help them and we all denied. He then said, "Have a good rest of your guys' day," then drove off. We were just looking at each other in awe wondering what we would do next and how we would move on from such a tragedy.