Chapter 7

Once we finished talking to Claudia we headed straight for the class immediately because we didn't want to get caught skipping class since at this time of day there are three security guards in the hallways since it is the final period. After class, we headed to Rose's locker and I opened it with the code she gave to me back then when she couldn't open her locker because she broke her hand. When I opened it, we looked inside and we couldn't find anything at all and we were sitting there confused. "Why did she tell us to look into her locker when there is nothing in here?" He said. "Wait. The locker doesn't look as deep as the others." I said. I then reached my hand in there moving it back very gracefully and slowly touching the metal. I saw that there was a sheet of paper there hiding something. I took the paper out of the locker and saw a little slip of paper behind it. "Look. It is a little slip of paper." I said. "But there is nothing on it. Why would she put a slip of paper in here with no writing on it?" He said. "Wait. I got an invisible ink pen from the Scholastic that comes around once a year." I said pulling it out of my black Jansport backpack. When I took it out and used the flashlight on the slip of paper I said, "It shows an address called 8181 Pine Street avenue." I think I know that place, it is an building west of the supermarket about three miles or so. No one really knows what that building is for, necessarily." "Well I guess we know what we are doing tomorrow." He said. "Why tomorrow?" I asked. "I know this is extremely important but I have to drive my mom to the doctor. She broke her leg a few months ago and needs to get her brace off. She can't drive herself just yet so she is waiting for me at home to come pick her up." He said. "Alright I will see you tomorrow, get home quickly and I hope she recovers well." I said leaving.

Even though it was probably a good idea to wait for Chris I still decided to go and see if it was the correct address and what the building looked like. With my binoculars my mom bought me at a yard sale when I was a little kid, I saw that the building was guarded by a full security team, armed, behind another building. I also spotted cameras on two corners of the building from the front and the back. Hopefully breaking into this building would help me uncover the truth about what happened to three of the most important people in my life.