That Would Only Scare Her Off

The scattered candy from the piñata was quickly gathered up in a plastic shopping bag and taken inside. After that they had about five minutes left to midnight so they turned on a countdown video.

"Do you have any particular goals this year?" Bryce asked curiously.

He had never really been one for New Year's resolutions, personally. People always gave up on them about a month in. With how aimlessly he had been drifting along the past few years, he didn't have anything he cared about accomplishing anyway.

Things were a bit different now though. His only hope for the new year was to be able to spend it by Tessa's side and grow even closer.

She let out a wry laugh. "Yeah. This year has been crazy so my only goal is for everything to settle down and go back to normal. Kind of dumb, huh?"

"I don't think so," Bryce said.